Parwan Precinct

Parwan Precinct

The Parwan Precinct Structure Plan was not included on the list of 21 priority projects for the State in the Victorian Housing Statement, September 2023.

As such, the project was identified as Tier 2 in the Victorian Planning Authority’s (VPA) 2023/24 Business Plan (to progress subject to resolution of issues across Government).

The VPA is currently working on its 2024/2025 Business Plan to be endorsed the Minister for Planning which will establish our forward project program. We anticipate this will occur in October 2024.

Until cross-Government issues are resolved, and a decision is made on the 24/25 Business Plan, VPA will not be able to actively progress this project.  Landowners will be kept informed of any change to this status.

For further information please contact Sarah Ancell by email

Background information

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) a Victorian Government statutory authority that plans for urban growth across Victoria. We report to the Minister for Planning. 

The VPA’s main task is to make sure Melbourne and Victoria’s regions remain great places to live and work. This requires vision and long-term planning to ensure our growing population has equitable access to employment, public transport, attractive public spaces and affordable housing. 

We do this by working closely with councils, government agencies and the planning and development community on integrated land use and infrastructure coordination for new communities and strategically important precincts. 

The Minister for Planning has appointed the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) to lead this project from conception to finalisation. Throughout the project, we will work closely with Moorabool Shire Council, State Government agencies and local community members to ensure the plan considers and reflects their input.

A precinct structure plan (PSP) is a land use and infrastructure plan to guide the development of an area over time. It provides certainty for community members and developers by providing a long-term vision for how an area will develop in the future. 

A PSP sets out the preferred locations of residential and employment land and infrastructure, and provides guidance for transport and parking, urban design, heritage and character, open spaces and integrated water management. 

Together with the broader planning framework, precinct structure planning is an important part of the Victorian Government’s strategy to address population growth, housing and employment demands. 

  1. First, the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) (as the planning authority for this work) speaks to landowners and council to develop a vision for the precinct.
  2. Technical reports such as drainage assessments, traffic modelling and heritage reports are prepared to help planners understand the potential limitations of the land.
  3. In consultation with Council, the VPA will prepare a draft plan for both the Merrimu and Parwan Station areas, outlining where land uses might be best located.
  4. The draft plan will form the basis of the precinct structure plan (PSP) and proposed planning scheme amendment. This will be shared with government agencies, key service providers and the broader community for input. Anyone interested in the PSP is invited to make a submission for review by the VPA.
  5. Unresolved submissions are heard by an independent panel at a Panel Hearing before the plan is finalised and provided to the Minister for Planning for consideration.
  6. Once the planning scheme amendment has been approved by the Minister for Planning and the PSP is incorporated into the Moorabool Planning Scheme, landholders can apply for permits to allow development to begin. Moorabool Shire Council will be responsible for administering planning permits.


The Bacchus Marsh Urban Growth Framework (UGF) identifies new areas for jobs, housing and infrastructure, while protecting valuable cultural and environmental assets. With Bacchus Marsh’s population anticipated to more than double to 50,000 residents by 2041, this plan will ensure growth is logical, sequenced and holistic. The framework was approved by the Minister for Planning in November 2018.

The framework identifies Parwan and Merrimu as key growth areas. The precinct structure plan (PSP) process will deliver more specific land-use planning for these areas to develop.

Project information

The Parwan precinct is directly south-east of the Bacchus Marsh town centre at an area of approximately 504 hectares and comprises a mix of agricultural/rural uses and individual homesteads.

At full development, the precinct is expected to cater for an increased population with new community facilities, open spaces and a range of commercial and business uses, creating opportunities for local employment.

The Bacchus Marsh area is growing, and there is opportunity for these precincts to accommodate some of the future population. Planning will allow for appropriate development in the Parwan, Parwan Employment and Merrimu precincts, ensuring that new and existing community members have access to housing, jobs, open space, infrastructure and services. The planning process is designed so that existing community members will benefit from the development occurring in their area.

We expect this expansion will occur over a long period of time – potentially in excess of 40 years.

The Bacchus Marsh Urban Growth Framework identified an Eastern Link Road for Bacchus Marsh as a key project to address existing network and congestion issues, as well as to support the development of new growth areas.

Regional Roads Victoria (RRV) have nominated Option B Alternative, as the preferred alignment for the Bacchus Marsh Eastern Link Road. The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) will continue collaborating with RRV to ensure that the Eastern Link Road effectively integrates and supports the development of the precinct.

For more information on the Bacchus Marsh Eastern Link Road, refer to Regional Roads Victoria.

General information about the Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon (VGED) can be found at the Zoos Victoria website.

Additionally, for specific inquiries and details potential VGED populations and surveys, the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is collaborating with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).

You can contact DEECA for further information via:

Next steps

Surveys will be conducted for potential Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon (VGED) populations in the precinct.

While waiting for the results of those surveys, the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) will continue to resolve technical reports that are underway and not dependent upon the survey results. Once completed, these reports will be published on our website.

To receive regular stakeholder updates on the project, enter your details into the ‘Subscribe now’ fields.

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) will continue to involve you in the planning process as it progresses. Opportunities for informal and formal feedback to the plan will also be provided. You can stay up to date by subscribing to the project newsletter in the ‘Subscribe now’ fields on the right-hand toolbar of this webpage.

Supporting Documentation

Parwan PSP - Parwan Lava Cave - Geotechnical Assessment (WSP Golder) June 2023
Parwan PSP - Parwan Lava Cave - Geotechnical Assessment (WSP Golder) June 2023 PDF  Version
Parwan Station PSP and Parwan Employment Precinct - Geomorphology and Vegetation Assessment (Alluvium) December 2021
Parwan Station PSP and Parwan Employment Precinct - Geomorphology and Vegetation Assessment (Alluvium) December 2021 PDF  Version
Parwan Station PSP - Key Issues and Opportunities Paper - March 2022
Parwan Station PSP - Key Issues and Opportunities Paper - March 2022 PDF  Version
Stakeholder Workshop - Summary of Key Findings - Parwan Station PSP - March 2021
Stakeholder Workshop - Summary of Key Findings - Parwan Station PSP - March 2021 PDF  Version