GAA Business Plan 2007 – 2008
Housing supply and affordability, and the recognition of the importance of the Growth Areas in the economy of Victoria, have become increasingly significant issues in recent months. The role of the Growth Areas Authority (GAA) is central in ensuring that we have both medium and long term solutions to these issues.
The Growth Areas Authority was established on 1 September 2006. The establishment phase involved the support of many people and groups. In particular, I would like to thank the Minister for Planning, the Honourable Justin Madden, his staff, and all those people at the Department of Sustainability and Environment and many other government organisations for their support.
In May 2007 we appointed a permanent Chief Executive Officer, Peter Seamer, to lead the GAA staff in driving a program of planning and infrastructure coordination initiatives.
Our Chief Executive Officer and his team have worked with the Board to clarify the directions and strategic priorities for the next 12 months as outlined in this business plan. These initial years of the Authority will be critical to its ability to make a difference to the people of Victoria. We look forward to the continued support of the development industry, the growth area councils, and the various professional bodies in working to develop liveable and sustainable new communities in the growth areas.