Streamlining for Growth – Project Progress Reporting Project Progress Report Project Progress Report Purpose of this report is to capture the status of the Streamlining for Growth grant project. Please populate all fields with relevant information as applicable. If you wish to provide additional information, please refer to section ‘C’ on page 2 of this document. SECTION A: Project Details arrowup6 Project Name * Council name * Project Manager * Funding Year * Funding Year2017/20182018/20192019/20202020/20212021/20222022/2023 Select the financial year that this grant received funding Email * Program Stream Funding streamRegionalBetter Regulation Streamlining ProcessesMetropolitan Select which stream the project received funding under Reporting Date * Please select the date Approved Project Completion Date Please select the date Current Expected Completion Date * Please select the date SECTION B: Project Milestone Update Milestone Number * Milestone Name * Previous Status Not applicableCommencedCompletedNot commencedAbandonedOther What was the status of this milestone at the previous reporting? Status * BlankCompleteUnderwayNot commencedAbandonedOther - Add comments below What is the status of this milestone at this reporting cycle? Estimated date completion * Milestone Status - Other Comments plus1 Add minus1 Remove SECTION C: Health Check arrowup6 Since completion of last project progress report, has the timeline, scope or outputs of the project changed? * No Yes - Please contact the VPA to discuss Please provide any additional Comments below; File Upload Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 30MB SECTION D: Acknowledgment I confirm all information supplied in this document is true and accurate? * Yes Date Section Section Captcha Submit Save now to complete later If you are human, leave this field blank.