Activity Centres Program

Introducing the Activity Centres Program

We want to provide all Victorians with the choice of a well-designed home, at an affordable price, in a place where they can thrive.

That’s why we’re planning for more homes in and around 60 activity centres across Melbourne, encouraging more than 300,000 new homes to be built around train and tram lines, jobs and services by 2051.

By planning for more housing in activity centres, we’re supporting more Victorians to live closer to jobs, services, public transport and green, open space. It’s part of the Victorian Government’s Housing Statement, to deliver more homes for more Victorians, in the places people want to live.

Why we plan for activity centres

We’re planning for more homes in activity centres across Melbourne so more Victorians can access homes in the places they want to live.

We will need 1.8 million new homes in metropolitan Melbourne by 2051. Making sure that new homes are well-located will allow us to maximise use of existing infrastructure and transport. The starting point is to look for places where more homes can be built, and the types of homes we need to suit all kinds of Victorians in all kinds of places.

By planning more housing around activity centres, we are supporting more Victorians to live closer to jobs, services, public transport and green, open space.

Victorian Planning Authority’s role

The Victorian Planning Authority is now part of the Department of Transport and Planning. VPA planners will continue to prepare the plans to enable the delivery of the Activity Centres Program. This work remains an important part of the VPA’s approved work program.

More information

For more detailed information about the Activity Centre Program including information specific to each activity centre please visit