Business continuity plan implemented in response to coronavirus (COVID-19)
Like many of your organisations, coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting the operations of the Victorian Planning Authority.
The Victorian Government has now declared a State of Emergency in Victoria. As a public sector agency, the VPA will be following guidelines and advice from the Victorian Government.
The VPA has implemented its business continuity plan, and we anticipate our staff will transition to working remotely over the coming days or weeks. We are also changing the nature and timing of planned face-to-face engagements with our stakeholders.
While we are working hard to ensure that any impacts are limited and that our commitments and deadlines are met to the best of our abilities, some unavoidable delays and postponements will occur.
Scheduled face-to-face workshops or community engagements for example will be cancelled indefinitely and large meetings will be replaced with video conferences. We will communicate individual disruptions to the stakeholders concerned.
We hope we can rely on your patience in these circumstances. We will do everything possible to return to a normal operating environment at the earliest possible date.
We also understand that for many of you, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be impacting upon your operations and we will extend the same patience and understanding to you as we all work to manage the impacts of the virus threat.
For more information visit dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus or call the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398 for advice if you are displaying symptoms.