In September 2017, Shepparton received $200,000 funding for the Shepparton Mooroopna Strategic Framework Plan under the Regional Victoria funding stream. This funding assistance comprised $130,000 Council grant and $70,000 Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) resources.
The outcomes planned for completion by 30 March 2018 were the delivery of a:
- Literature review
- Stakeholder identification and engagement
- Shepparton Growth Areas aligning open spaces with drainage infrastructure report
- Shepparton Mooroopna 2050 Drainage Study
- Work Plan development.
Successes of the project included:
- Skills uplift of staff; specifically in the stakeholder engagement processes and development of infrastructure strategies.
- Identifying land use expectations, particularly around the provision of affordable housing as well as renewal sites and greenfields areas suitable for a range of housing choice.
- Identifying broad drainage options as well as impacts on land use decisions for industrial, commercial and residential.
The Framework will guide the resolution of ongoing land use issues in investigation areas, resulting in efficiencies and process improvements as well as cost savings to developers and Council through identifying the infrastructure required.
A clear guiding framework provides certainty to referral authorities and contribute to reduced planning backlogs through identifying short, medium, and long-term actions for the delivery of infrastructure projects, thereby streamlining processes and reducing subdivision time.
Council contributions to this project included: project management, procurement, evaluation and contract management; review and evaluation of technical reports, organisation of stakeholder events, assistance in preparation of engagement strategy and preparation of preliminary principles and outcomes of Growth Plan.
Funding of this project resulted in significant acceleration for project commencement as no budget allocation (from Council) was provided for.
Wider benefits: Outcomes of drainage strategy and open space technical reports will aid Council and development community in preparing development plans. The principles could be used by other Councils.