CEO Update – June 2024
It’s hard to believe we are already almost halfway through 2024. Since I last updated you, the VPA has been driving hard at delivering the 31 projects allocated to us in last year’s Victorian Government Housing Statement, as well as working with our departmental colleagues to clarify our forward priorities.
Our 10 projects in Melbourne’s activity centres, where we are partnering with the Department of Transport and Planning to unlock housing diversity and choice, have completed the first phase of community consultation. Interest is high in many parts of Melbourne following the recent announcement of housing targets for each municipality to help deliver 800,000 new homes over the next decade.
We have recently finished public consultation on one regional PSP in Shepparton and have another metropolitan PSP consultation currently underway in Greenvale North. The Officer South Employment PSP has progressed through its standing advisory committee hearing and is now being readied for consideration by our Board and the Minister for Planning.
Two more metropolitan projects will go on public consultation in the coming months.
Read on for more detail in our mid-winter update.

Draft VPA Business Plan 2024-25
The VPA has submitted its 2024-25 Business Plan to the Minister for Planning as required by the VPA Act. The draft plan seeks confirmation of projects to progress in the context of our budget allocation for Unlocking New Communities and Affordable Housing of $3.5m per year over two years. When approved, the Business Plan will provide continued clarity and certainty for both the VPA and stakeholders.
Meanwhile, our priority work program continues as per our current business plan.

Greenvale North Precinct Structure Plan (Part 2)
The Greenvale North Precinct Structure Plan developed in consultation with the City of Hume is now on public consultation.
Greenvale North Part 2 is a 33ha precinct, 23km northwest of the Melbourne CBD. It is located directly north of the Greenvale North Reservoir, west of Aitken Blvd, and east of Mickleham Road.
The Greenvale North Part 2 precinct will complement the surrounding Greenvale, Roxburgh Park and Craigieburn communities with a mix of residential land, open space, rural conservation, and regionally significant drainage infrastructure.
The precinct will deliver capacity for 380 new homes, that will integrate into the adjoining established residential areas of Greenvale North (R1) and Craigieburn West PSP.
It will also enable the future delivery of high-quality residential neighbourhoods, a pedestrian-friendly transport network and generous community-centered open spaces that match the character of the established neighbouring communities.
Find out more about our plans for Greenvale North or make a submission on Engage Victoria. Consultation closes on Sunday 21 July.

Regional Co-Design Workshops
In July, our planning teams will be meeting with community and other key stakeholders for co-design workshops for the East of Aberline PSP in Warrnambool and the Ballarat North PSP.
Co-design sessions are interactive planning workshops where key stakeholders collaborate to distil the options for the future urban structure of a precinct. The sessions enable insights and aspirations to be brought to the planning process and help facilitate agreement upfront on as many issues as possible.
These events are always valuable in moving towards an agreed outcome – an iterative design process our planners really look forward to.

Activity Centres Phase 1 Community Consultation Complete
As part of Victoria’s Housing Statement, we are partnering with the Department of Transport and Planning to deliver more homes close to services, jobs, and transport in ten activity centres across Melbourne.
Working with local councils and community, the program will enable the delivery of an estimated 60,000 homes through a review of building heights and design requirements, and changes to existing rules to support appropriate development.
The four week phase one engagement period ran from 28 March to 29 April and focused on understanding the local identity and places of significance in each centre. The consultation included public surveys on Engage Victoria, direct consultation with Traditional Owners and key stakeholders, and the establishment of community reference groups, with varied approaches for each centre depending on the level of existing work already progressed by the local council.
The Engage Victoria platform received nearly 800,000 unique views from community members seeking more information or making a submission. The consultation report will be published in the coming weeks.
Phase 2 engagement for the Activity Centre program is scheduled to commence in coming months.
Find out more about the Activity Centres Program.

Shepparton South East Standing Advisory Committee
The VPA consulted the Shepparton community on our plans for Shepparton South East, which were developed with the City of Greater Shepparton. The draft precinct structure plan covers the largest of Shepparton’s five growth corridors. It plans to deliver more than 20 years of residential growth 2km southeast of the Shepparton CBD, and will provide up to 2,500 homes to accommodate a population of more than 6,000.
Key opportunities for the precinct include:
- Improvements to the open space network, including a new recreation reserve
- Provision for a local convenience centre and community facilities
- Integration with adjoining commercial and employment areas
- Flood mitigation and improvements to drainage
- Delivery of a local bus-capable connector road network
- Provision of walking and cycling links connecting key destinations
- Protecting significant cultural heritage and environmental values along the Broken River.
The consultation period ran from February to April with our planners meeting with residents and landowners to answer questions both online and in person.
We received 51 submissions covering a range of issues from riverine flooding to the provision of new roads and infrastructure. The key issues raised will be reviewed by the VPA Projects Standing Advisory Committee in August.
Find out more about our plans for Shepparton South East.

Farewell to VPA Chair Jude Munro AO
After seven years of outstanding and visionary leadership, Jude Munro is stepping down from the VPA Board. A leading figure in the Australian planning profession and public administration over her long and varied career, Jude has played a pivotal role in building and cementing the collaborative and dynamic relationship the VPA enjoys with our partners across government and industry.
Her achievements at the VPA are many. Since Jude was appointed Chair in 2017, the VPA has finalised plans for 26 precincts and areas across Victoria, rezoning 15,000 hectares of land with the capacity for 146,000 homes, 122,000 jobs and an additional population of 416,000 people.
With this, Jude has driven a culture that values partnership, achievement, respect, inclusivity and efficiency. A huge achievement by any measure.
On a personal note, I am deeply grateful to Jude for her guidance and wisdom over the last seven years. The process for the appointment of a new Chair and Board members is now underway.
Looking Ahead
Over the coming months we are moving towards two more Housing Statement priority projects reaching public consultation, with more to come later in the year.
The VPA is preparing to consult the community on plans for Croskell (in the City of Casey) in July and Braybrook (in the City of Maribyrnong) shortly thereafter. Plans for Casey Fields South, Devon Meadows and Melton East are scheduled for public consultation later this year.
We also anticipate releasing our 2024/25 Business Plan once it is approved in the coming months.
As always, I thank you for your interest and ongoing support as we plan for prosperous, liveable, and sustainable urban communities across a growing Victoria.