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Media Release

Community Engagement for Phase 1 has now concluded

Thank you for taking part in the first phase of community engagement for Greater Broadmeadows. We received a large amount amount of feedback with people attending our drop in sessions and completing our survey. We value the feedback of all those who took the time to contribute their thoughts.

Our project team will now begin the analysis of the survey responses we have received as well as the information we received at our drop in sessions. Once we have completed this task we will release a community engagement report which will detail the findings and the next steps. The feedback received will help inform the development of a draft framework plan for the Greater Broadmeadows Area. We will provide an update on the timing of the release of the draft framework plan when we publish our community engagement report.

If you have any questions or feedback please contact us on (03) 9651 9600 or broadmeadows@vpa.vic.gov.au