Draft plan for East Village
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) and Glen Eira City Council are progressing their vision for a sustainable, vibrant new precinct in Bentleigh East.
Glen Eira City Councillors voted to publicly exhibit a draft plan for the East Village precinct in late January 2019, when residents will be invited to have their say.
The draft plan proposes to transform an industrial area previously used for cigarette manufacturing into a bustling hub of innovative jobs, open space and diverse housing. Some existing businesses will remain on the site.
A Community Reference Group helped inform the draft plan by reviewing key project material and providing feedback to the project team throughout.
In addition, public consultation sessions about planning for the site throughout 2017 and 2018 were well attended by members of the public, who discussed their ideas for the future of the precinct.
East Village comprises 24 hectares of land on the corner of East Boundary and North Roads in Bentleigh East and is proposed to be a base for 2,700 jobs and 3000 dwellings.
Extensive transport upgrades will ensure transport network is managed appropriately and development of the precinct will have a minimal impact on surrounding neighbourhoods.
This includes improvements to seven intersections on adjacent arterial roads and an internal road network that incorporates off-road cycle and pedestrian paths.
Developers of the precinct will contribute $62 million towards a new community facility; a sporting pavilion; a new synthetic soccer field, local parks, transport and drainage infrastructure.
In addition, developers will provide land for a new government secondary school, planned to open in 2022.
East Village will be sustainable and green, with a one-hectare central park at the heart of the precinct, complemented by tree lined streets, off road cycling path and wide footpaths to encourage walking.
Marlborough Reserve will be extended and equipped with a new playing surface and pavilion.
The draft plan will go on exhibition in early 2019, where residents will have ample opportunities to provide feedback, meet with the project teams and ask questions.
The draft plan delivers on Plan Melbourne’s direction for new 20-minute neighbourhoods in Melbourne’s existing suburbs.