GAA Annual Report 2007-2008
The GAA, at the request of our Minister, has reformed planning processes for the growth areas. This has resulted in developing a shortened and more efficient development process, reducing cost and improving land supply flexibility in order to gain better planning outcomes. This work is now being underpinned by the development of strengthened, standardised guidelines for Precinct Structure Planning that will have a stronger focus on infrastructure co-ordination as well as implementing Melbourne 2030 principles.
Another key area of work is developing 37 Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs). These are a particular priority for those areas identified by the Urban Development Program as having strong demand for either residential land as in Casey-Cardinia or for employment land as in Hume.
The GAA has received State Government funding to assist further streamlining of the development approval process and also for mapping native vegetation and Cultural Heritage areas. Finally the GAA has been authorised to undertake the 37 PSP amendments; a step which will further facilitate development on the ground.
We have worked closely with all six councils in the five growth areas to push ahead with these plans. Work we have done in this area will see substantial new zoned land coming on stream, guaranteeing supply for residential and employment land in targeted areas.