GAA Business Plan 2008-2009
The Victorian Government’s sweeping changes to the planning process in the Growth Areas are a direct response to what our stakeholders have been telling us: we need to get more land to market far sooner. We are pleased to step into a role that will enable us to make a significant contribution towards achieving this goal.
Working with our council partners and the development industry, these reforms will enable us to reduce the time it takes to get land ready for development by more than a year. This in turn will help boost land supply, putting downward pressure on housing affordability while making sure the resulting communities are well designed and serviced.
We know – from research the GAA commissioned – that people want to live where there are job opportunities; healthy and safe communities; affordable living; and sustainable environments. With work on 37 new communities in the growth areas now underway we are confident that in the years ahead the growth areas will be ready to accommodate an increasing proportion of Melbourne’s rapidly growing population.