New community for Melbourne’s west a boost to housing affordability
The Victorian Government is building a new community in Melbourne’s west to boost housing affordability and create local jobs.
Minister for Planning Richard Wynne today approved the detailed precinct structure plan for Mt Atkinson, a new suburb just south west of Caroline Springs.
In a ground-breaking move, the arrangements for delivery of two schools, community facilities and land acquisition for a future train station have been agreed in principle with the developer before rezoning.
The 1500-hectare precinct will feature more than 8,000 dwellings and will become home to more than 22,000 people over the next 15 years.
The community will be a hive of jobs, with up to 19,000 long-term jobs in retail, commercial, industrial, office, education and home-based businesses to be created in Mt Atkinson and the adjacent Tarneit Plains precinct.
The new suburb has been made possible by the Victorian Government’s rezoning of 100,000 lots of land in key growth areas to tackle housing affordability head on.
An in-principle agreement with Mount Atkinson Holdings and Stockland will see two government schools built, land acquired for a future train station and other first-class community facilities.
A Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution of more than $100 million paid by the developers will also cover a CFA station and early delivery of a new bus service connecting to Rockbank Station.
Sports grounds, a conservation reserve, community centres and kindergartens are also funded under a separate agreement with the Melton Council.
The Victorian Government is helping young Victorians break into the housing market, abolishing stamp duty for first-time buyers on homes up to $600,000 and cutting stamp duty on homes valued up to $750,000.
The Government has also doubled the First Home Owner Grant to $20,000 in regional Victoria.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne
“Mt Atkinson is going to be a great place to live and to raise a family, with jobs for locals on their doorstep and affordable housing so that young Victorians can achieve their dream of home ownership.”
“We’re making it easier for all Victorians to buy their own home in a great location close to jobs and schools.”
Quote attributable to Member for Kororoit Marlene Kairouz
“We’re not just building new suburbs, we’re creating thriving new communities in Melbourne’s west, complete with schools, parks, playgrounds, sports ovals and everything else that young families need.”