New direction for Victorian planning projects
The Victorian Government has established a new direction to guide Victoria’s land-use planning for 2018-19.
Minister for Planning Richard Wynne today released the annual Ministerial Direction and Statement of Expectations for the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA), which establishes the approach and priority projects for the 2018-19 financial year.
This year’s program includes a number of new strategic metropolitan projects, greenfields precinct plans and diverse regional projects, many of which are funded through the Streamlining for Growth Program.
The statement includes both new and continuing projects and will result in the VPA undertaking the necessary long-term planning needed to maintain Victoria’s high standard of liveability.
Projects are prioritised through a comprehensive assessment criteria across the three areas of greenfields, urban renewal and regional projects.
Planning must also be considered in the context of Victoria’s economic needs, key infrastructure projects underway and evolving public priorities.
Priority projects for this year include planning for:
- Brooklyn Business Park, catering for high productivity jobs and leveraging off government investment in the Westgate Tunnel
- North Meadows, a vibrant new community boosting the rejuvenation of Broadmeadows
- The Merrifield North and Officer South Employment precincts, providing jobs in Melbourne’s growth areas
- The Parwan Employment precinct in Bacchus Marsh, which has the potential to create 1500 agribusiness jobs
- A number of exciting projects for Bendigo, including for Bendigo West, Maiden Gully North and an industrial land review and a revitalisation plan for Golden Square.
The VPA will continue to maintain Victoria’s 15-year supply of zoned land in Melbourne’s greenfields but its focus will shift to urban renewal sites and regional planning, helping deliver key actions of Plan Melbourne 2017-2050.
Indeed, Victoria’s strategic planning policy states that 70% of Melbourne’s new housing stock should be created in established suburbs and that regional Victoria will be productive and sustainable.
When creating new plans, the VPA partners with key stakeholders to forward-plan for new infrastructure across government. In addition, all new plans include mechanisms to ensure developers contribute funding towards the vital infrastructure that underpins new suburbs and employment areas.
Victoria’s population is projected to exceed 10 million by 2050 and the VPA’s role planning for key precincts will help our state cater for this growth.
To read the full statement click here: Statement Of Expectations 2018 19
Quotes attributable to Victorian Planning Authority CEO, Stuart Moseley:
“We thank the Minister for this new work program and look forward to delivering these projects that will enhance Victoria’s liveability.”