Next steps for Jacksons Hill site
Phase 2 consultation closed
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) recently closed its second phase of community consultation on the Jacksons Hill draft master plan.
At the end of November, the VPA released its draft master plan for the Jacksons Hill site. Community members were invited to attend two community information sessions held at the Sunbury Bowls Club about the draft master plan.
Questions raised by the community were recorded and have been answered online in the ‘FAQs’ section of the Jacksons Hill Master Plan webpage. A copy of the answered questions can also be downloaded here.
The draft master plan was on consultation for community feedback from 1 December 2017 – 11 February 2018. Community members and stakeholders were invited to contribute their feedback either via the online interactive map or other avenues.
A range of comments, feedback and concerns were raised, some of which include:
- traffic impacts and management
- open space, particularly the proposed location and amount of allocated land
- community uses
- heritage protection
- residential uses, including proposed areas for new housing
- sensitive building design
- provision of secondary school.
The VPA will now review all comments it received during Phase 2 consultation and report this feedback to the community in a comprehensive engagement report.
Registration of land sales
Recently, the Jacksons Hill site was listed on the Department of Treasury and Finance’s (DTF) website as being ‘prepared for future sale’.
The listing of the site on DTF’s website will not impact the VPA’s planning process.
The Jacksons Hill site cannot be sold until the VPA’s master plan is complete. Its future use will be determined by the master plan, which will incorporate community and stakeholder views shared during consultation.
If you have any further questions, please contact Rob Ball, project manager, on (03) 9651 9661 or via email rob.ball@vpa.vic.gov.au.