VPA News

Partnering with the community to plan for the Preston Market site

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) and the City of Darebin are partnering with community members, traders and visitors to plan for the future of the Preston Market site.

A community reference group has been formed to provide input into a review of the planning controls and future opportunities for the site.

The group will represent the community views on the ideas to be considered as part of the project. The wider community will also be invited to contribute to the review, by participating in market stands, online engagement and a public event.

The review aims to support the operation of the market as an inclusive, accessible and vibrant hub of Preston and set clear parameters for the site’s redevelopment. The project team will use community feedback and technical advice to draft recommendations on planning controls and explore opportunities to help the market thrive.

The VPA and the City of Darebin are committed to meaningfully engaging with Preston community members to establish what makes the Preston Market site unique and how we can ensure it continues to be an attractive destination into the future.

Click here to learn more about the review.