Project Status Updates

Project Status Updates – November 2023

You’re receiving this email because you subscribed to receive updates on our planning for the Ballarat Infrastructure Growth Alignment Framework (IGAF).  

We have been working with the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) and the City of Ballarat to finalise the Ballarat IGAF.  

On 20 September 2023, the Victorian Government released Victoria’s Housing Statement: The decade ahead 2024-2034, in which it announced the Victorian Planning Authority will continue preparing Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) and other planning guidance for new housing and jobs in Melbourne and regional Victoria. We will conduct further work across 21 projects to deliver more than 60,000 homes and 60,000 jobs. These projects will deliver a sustainable supply of greenfield land, and more jobs close to home. 

The Ballarat IGAF is one of the 21 projects named in the Housing Statement.  

In the coming months we will finalise the report and submit it to the Minister for Planning.