Project Status Updates

Project Status Updates – October 2022

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has been progressing the planning for the Parwan PSP by commencing our Phase 2 Technical Studies and meeting with stakeholders to resolve key issues identified in our Draft Concept Place-based Plan Co-Design Workshops. 

Place-Based Plan Co-Design Workshop

In April 2022, we held a Place-Based Plan Co-Design Workshop with Moorabool Shire Council, key government agencies and landowners to present background information and identify issues and resolution options for the draft Placed-Based Plan. The workshops were attended by 96 participants, and a report summarising the workshop has been sent to those involved. Please contact the project team if you wish to receive a copy of the summary report. 

Bacchus Eastern Link Road (BMELR) Alignment

A key consideration for the Parwan PSP is the alignment of the future Bacchus Eastern Link Road (BMELR).  

The Department of Transport is continuing the BMELR planning study to identify a preferred alignment, which is anticipated by the end of 2022. We have updated our project timeline to reflect this. All relevant government agencies are working collaboratively on planning projects in Bacchus Marsh.  

Further updates on the BMELR alignment can be found on the Regional Roads Victoria website. 

Other Updates

Since our last update, we have also: 

  • Met with Melbourne Water to discuss the size and location of proposed drainage infrastructure.
  • Met with the Department of Transport to explore future public transport services and an active transport network for the precinct.
  • Completed technical reports for biodiversity and heritage, which can be found in the Supporting Documentation tab below.
  • Engaged technical experts to prepare a Soil Assessment, Integrated Water Management (IWM) Assessment, Retail and Economics Assessment, and Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment. 

In the coming months we will be focused on completing our Phase 2 Technical Studies, resolving issues that arose from our co-design workshop, and developing a draft Place-Based Plan and PSP preparation for Agency Validation in March 2023. 

Previous Project Status Updates