Project Status Updates

Project Status Updates – October 2022

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is continuing to progress development of a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) for the Casey Fields South and Devon Meadows precincts.  

Since our last update in June, we have: 

  • Continued work with Melbourne Water to determine the requirements for the Drainage Services Scheme (DSS), and implications for our plans
  • Initiated technical work to assess the suitability of land for development and the potential for future utility servicing
  • Initiated technical work to identify significant vegetation and landscape features that could be incorporated into our plans
  • Initiated technical work to assess the likely community infrastructure and open space requirements for the precincts
  • Investigated ideas and implications regarding access, movement and transport within the precincts
  • Continued to investigate the anticipated need for an additional activity centre(s) to service the future community and workforce
  • Continued to investigate the anticipated future demand for employment land, and the implications for our plans
  • Begun planning for the upcoming co-design workshop.

In the coming months we will be progressing and finalising a number of technical assessments and finalising preparation for the co-design workshop. The co-design workshop is now targeted for February 2023 to allow the refined Melbourne Water DSS input to inform meaningful discussions about potential outcomes for the future precincts. 

Further information about the upcoming workshop will be provided in late 2022.