Project Status Updates

Project Status Update – April 2023

We have been progressing planning for the Greater Avalon Employment Precinct by hosting a series of engagement sessions with our key project partners and progressing technical studies.  

Engagement sessions

Concluding in February, we conducted pitching sessions in which landowners and government agencies were invited to have a say on their vision and key priorities for the precinct. You can view the outcomes of these pitching sessions in the Greater Avalon Employment Precinct – Pitching Sessions Summary – March 2023 (PDF), available in the ‘Documents’ tab below.

In March we held a vision and purpose workshop where we brought together the City of Greater Geelong, State Government departments and agencies, and landowners to consolidate what we heard in our pitching sessions and develop a vision for the future precinct. 

Technical studies

We have also begun engaging with technical experts to develop our phase 1 technical studies on matters including: 

  • Aboriginal cultural heritage
  • Historical cultural heritage
  • Biodiversity
  • Land capability
  • Economics  

In the coming months we will focus on developing a summary report from our vision and purpose workshop and progressing stage 1 technical work. These will inform a co-design workshop in mid-2023. 

To register your interest in attending the co-design workshop, please contact Nathan Guttmann at