Project Status Updates

Project Status Updates – April 2023

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has been progressing the planning for Casey Fields South and Devon Meadows by continuing to build an evidence base through a series of technical reports and stakeholder engagement. This evidence base will inform our place-based plan for the two precincts. 

Since our last update in February 2023, we have: 

  • Prepared a summary report of the co-design workshop held in February 2023 to highlight key discussions and outcomes. This will be available on our website once finalised (expected in May 2023). 
  • Continued working with the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) to plan the future transport network for the precincts.   
  • Progressed technical work to investigate and identify the issues and opportunities of the future transport network. 
  • Continued working with Melbourne Water on the requirements for the Drainage Services Scheme (DSS), and the implications for the precincts. 
  • Met with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation (BLCAC) to continue to investigate areas of cultural significance.
  • Continued technical work to assess biodiversity, Aboriginal cultural heritage and high level servicing.
  • Commenced work on the bushfire assessment for the precincts.  

Draft place-based plan

In the coming months, we will be focused on developing a draft place-based plan with City of Casey and our agency partners that integrates the findings of the technical studies and reflects the ideas from the co-design workshop. The draft place-based plan will form the basis of the draft precinct structure plan prepared for and taken through the Agency Validation phase. 

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