Project Status Updates
Project Status Updates – December 2022
Since our last update in October, we have been progressing third party funding arrangements and informing landowners about our planning for Ballarat North.
In November, we issued expressions of interests for third party funding to landowners within the ‘core area’ of the precinct. These third party funding agreements are being negotiated with interested landowners to secure funds for the VPA’s strategic planning work. Expressions of interest for third party funding for the ‘expanded area’ of the precinct will be issued after the precinct boundary is finalised and we confirm which properties will be included in the precinct.
We recently facilitated landowner information sessions to offer landowners an opportunity to raise key questions and learn more about the PSP preparation process.
Once we have confirmed third party funding agreements, we will commission the first phase of technical studies to determine key development opportunities and constraints for the precinct. This will form a basis to inform our final strategic land use plans.
We are also preparing for pitching sessions, which are an opportunity for landowners and agencies to ‘pitch’ their ideas and aspirations for the precinct to the VPA. We aim to issue invitations to these sessions in early 2023. If you are interested in participating in pitching and receiving future updates on the project, please provide your contact details in the ‘Subscribe now’ field on the right hand side.