Project Status Updates

Project Status Updates – November 2023

On 20 September, the Victorian Government released Victoria’s Housing Statement: The decade ahead 2024-2034, in which it announced the Victorian Planning Authority will continue preparing plans for new housing and jobs in Melbourne and regional Victoria. We will conduct further work across 21 projects to deliver more than 60,000 homes and 60,000 jobs. These projects will deliver a sustainable supply of greenfield land, and more jobs close to home. 

Braybrook Regeneration Project is one of the 21 projects named in the Housing Statement. The VPA has therefore recommenced our planning for Braybrook. 

What is the Braybrook Regeneration Project? 

Braybrook is growing and evolving as new jobs are brought to the inner west, and new residents choose to live in Braybrook due to its affordability and proximity to Sunshine and the city.  

Change is already noticeable in the streets of Braybrook, as older homes are being replaced and new infrastructure is delivered. The Victorian Planning Authority, in partnership with Maribyrnong City Council and Homes Victoria, is working to make sure the right planning controls are in place to support the current and future Braybrook community as Braybrook renews and changes over the next 10-15 years. 

Next steps 

Now that we have recommenced this project, we are finalising the draft Braybrook Urban Design Framework and planning scheme amendment for community consultation. 

In the coming months, we will be focused on: 

  • Resolving outstanding issues raised by state government departments, agencies and council when the project was paused in March 2022. 
  • Preparing for public consultation in 2024. 

We will provide another update with more details on our next steps once our work program is confirmed.