Project Status Updates

Project Status Updates – November 2022

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has been progressing the planning for Casey Fields South and Devon Meadows by building an evidence base from a series of technical reports. This evidence base will inform our place-based plan for the precincts.  

Since our last update in October, we have: 

  • Started work with the Department of Transport (DoT) to plan for the future transport network  
  • Begun to investigate any culturally significant features that could be incorporated into our plans
  • Begun technical work to understand local vegetation and biodiversity, and the potential for providing wildlife habitat corridors through the project area 
  • Begun technical work to identify opportunities for integrated water management (IWM) in the precincts 
  • Continued work with Melbourne Water on the requirements for the Drainage Services Scheme (DSS), and implications for our plans 
  • Continued technical work to assess land capability, future economic and retail needs, landscape character, and community infrastructure and open space requirements  
  • Finalised the technical report for post-contact heritage. 

All of our finalised technical reports are available in the Background Studies tab below. 

In the coming months, we will be progressing and finalising our technical assessments and preparing for our upcoming co-design workshop.  

Co-Design Workshop

We will be hosting a Place-based Co-design Workshop for Casey Fields South and Devon Meadows on Thursday 16 February. 

The purpose of the workshop is to build on the ideas from the Casey Fields South & Devon Meadows PSP – Vision & Purpose (PDF) into a draft place-based plan. 

Workshop participants will: 

  • Assess and validate the draft plan against the objectives and outcomes from the Vision & Purpose  
  • Discuss and develop potential spatial planning and design solutions 
  • Identify where the PSP may need to provide additional guidance to deliver the intended outcomes. 

The workshop will be an in-person, half-day event at the City of Casey. 

Anyone wishing to attend must RSVP to the VPA. Please formally RSVP to Catherine O’Brien at by close of business Friday 23 December. 

You may RSVP on behalf of others, but we ask that you provide the names and email addresses of all attendees. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email Catherine or contact us on 03 9651 9662. 

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