Ballarat Infrastructure Growth Alignment Framework
The former Minister for Planning requested the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) lead a high-level review of Ballarat’s proposed greenfield and urban renewal areas. The VPA has titled this a ‘Infrastructure Growth Alignment Framework’ (IGAF).
The IGAF is to provide advice to the Minister for Planning on:
- whether there is sufficient land to maintain a 15-year supply of residential land as required by State Planning Policy, and
- how to sequence growth that can be serviced by existing or known future infrastructure delivery.
The work is intended to recommend an appropriate sequencing of growth to unlock residential land within these areas and identify current infrastructure capacity and future infrastructure needs to service this growth. It is not expected to involve rezoning of land but will guide decision makers around priorities for future strategic planning and rezoning of land.

Regional context map of the Ballarat Infrastructure Growth Alignment Framework.
Background information
The Ballarat IGAF is related to providing high level advice to the Minister for Planning on staging and sequencing of known greenfield and urban renewal land based on our understanding of current infrastructure or known infrastructure commitment. Council’s work with its Framework Plan relates specifically to the northwest and western growth areas and delves deeper into the required infrastructure to service this land.
Project Status Updates – March 2024
Since our last update in November 2023, we have been working with the Department of Transport and Planning to finalise the Ballarat Infrastructure Growth Alignment Framework (IGAF).
We have nearly completed our analysis and advice on:
- Whether there is sufficient land to maintain a 15-year supply of residential land for Ballarat as required by state planning policy; and
- How to sequence growth that can be serviced by existing infrastructure or known and committed future infrastructure.
The VPA and the Department of Transport and Planning are working collaboratively to provide our final advice to the Minister for Planning.