Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is leading the preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) for the Casey Fields South (Employment) Precinct and the Devon Meadows Precinct, working in partnership with the City of Casey, state government agencies and service authorities.
The two precincts are adjacent to one another, located on the edge of the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) within the City of Casey municipality, sharing the South Gippsland Highway as a boundary.
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Consultation is now open
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is leading the preparation of draft Amendment C295case to the Casey Planning Scheme.
Consultation on Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows Precinct Structure Plan is now open.
For more information, refer to Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows – Engage Victoria
Casey Fields South (Employment) Precinct
The Casey Fields South (Employment) Precinct is a regionally significant industrial precinct, identified in the Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan (MICLUP) and the South East Economic Corridor Strategic Context Report to 2060. The precinct is located approximately 50km south east of Melbourne’s central business district and covers an area of about 275 hectares, generally bounded by the South Gippsland Highway to the southeast, Clyde-Fiveways Road to the east and Ballarto Road to the north.
The Casey Fields South (Employment) Precinct is also part of the Victorian Government’s 50,000 lots and jobs program.
Devon Meadows Precinct
The Devon Meadows Precinct is located approximately 50km southeast of Melbourne’s central business district and covers an area of about 261 hectares, generally bounded by the South Gippsland Highway to the north and east, Worthing Road to the south and Craig Road to the west.
Planning for the Casey Fields South and Devon Meadows Precinct Structure Plan will support State Government policy by delivering an employment precinct and a residential precinct.
PSP 2.0
In 2019, the VPA undertook a review of the Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) planning process. The review set a new strategy to streamline PSP preparation by undertaking greater collaboration and co-design with our partners and adapting the resulting PSPs to be more compact and useful.
The Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows Precinct Structure Plan will be prepared in line with PSP 2.o.
For more information, refer to PSP 2.0.
Interactive map of Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows
Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) for the Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows
Please note, the Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) for the Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows precincts is expected to adopt a standard levy. As no supplementary levy is proposed, the ICP document does not form part of the consultation material, the ICP document will be included for approval and gazettal. The Planning and Environment Regulations prescribe a Standard levy ICP as a class of amendment under section 20A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. A section 20A amendment is prepared by the Minister for Planning and is exempt from notice requirements.
The projects proposed to be funded via the ICP and the level of apportionment to the precincts, is outlined on page 51 of the draft Precinct Structure Plan. For further information regarding standard ICP levy rates, please refer to the link below:
Consultation is now open
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is leading the preparation of draft Amendment C295case to the Casey Planning Scheme.
For more information, refer to Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows – Engage Victoria
About the project
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is preparing a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and accompanying Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) for the Casey Fields South (Employment) Precinct and Devon Meadows Precinct, working in partnership with Casey City Council, state government agencies and service authorities.
The vision for Casey Field South and Devon Meadows is a regionally significant industrial precinct with more than 5,000 jobs, alongside a mix of housing types, community facilities, drainage infrastructure, open spaces that provide for an accessible and liveable residential community close to employment opportunities.
The PSP has been prepared with the VPA Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines: New Communities in Victoria (2021) and PSP 2.0 process.
As part of this process, the VPA is leading the preparation of the PSP and planning controls for the Precinct in consultation with Casey City Council. The VPA is facilitating a whole-of-government approach, which includes consulting with all relevant stakeholders, including state government agencies, council, landowners, Traditional Owners and local residents and businesses.
For more detail on the planning process to date, including the extensive research and analysis that has been undertaken – please see the Background Report.
In accordance with the Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan, the Casey Fields South (Employment) Precinct is a Regionally Significant Industrial Area. This means most of the land will be used for future industrial and commercial purposes. The Casey Fields South (Employment) Precinct is also identified as industrial land within the VPA’s South East Growth Corridor Plan.
A precinct structure plan (PSP) is a land use and infrastructure plan to guide the development of an area over time. It provides certainty for community members and developers by providing a long-term vision for how an area will develop in the future.
A PSP sets out the preferred locations of residential and employment land and infrastructure, and provides guidance for transport and parking, urban design, heritage and character, open spaces and integrated water management.
Together with the broader planning framework, precinct structure planning is an important part of the Victorian Government’s strategy to address population growth, housing and employment demands.
An Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) is a system for funding basic and essential local infrastructure required by a new community. An ICP ensures that developers within the precinct contribute to the cost of providing new intersections, local open space and community facilities.
An ICP is prepared by a planning authority, usually a council or the Minister for Planning, or a public authority that has been authorised by the Minister, for example the Victorian Planning Authority. The Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Ministerial direction on the preparation and content of Infrastructure Contributions Plans set out the requirements for the preparation and approval of an ICP.
An ICP may be made of one or two parts:
- Standard levy: A single levy that is used to fund transport, community and recreation infrastructure and public land provision. It is a pre-determined monetary rate set by the Minister for Planning through the Ministerial Direction, designed to provide a fair and reasonable budget for funding basic infrastructure essential for new urban development. The standard levy rates for the Metropolitan Greenfield Growth Areas development settings are indexed on 1 July each year in accordance with the indexation method specified in the Ministerial Direction.
- Supplementary levy: a non-standard levy set by the planning authority based on the estimated costs of infrastructure works informed by topographical, geographical, environmental or other physical constraints.
For more information, refer to the ICP Guidelines Summary by the Department of Transport and Planning.
For more information, see Infrastructure Contributions Plans – FAQs
Infrastructure will be funded through a variety of sources, including as develop works as part of subdivision, through the Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) or through a Development Services Scheme (DSS).
The ICP will fund the delivery of essential infrastructure items, including transport infrastructure, a local sports reserve project and a multipurpose community centre within the Precincts.
Major drainage-related works will be funded through a DSS, to be managed by Melbourne Water.
A planning scheme amendment involves either a change to a planning scheme map, a change to the written part of the scheme, or both.
Amendments to a planning scheme can have significant planning implications as they change the way land can be used or developed. Therefore, changing the basis of which planning decisions are made in the future.
The draft planning scheme amendment (draft amendment C265case) has been prepared by the Victorian Planning Authority to implement the Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows PSP into the Casey Planning Scheme. A planning scheme amendment is the most appropriate method for implementing the PSP to guide and provide certainty on future land use and development.
Changes to the zoning, overlay and particular provisions of the Casey Planning Scheme will be applied to facilitate development of the Precincts. Specifically, the draft amendment proposes to:
- Rezone land in the Precincts to an Urban Growth Zone (UGZ), also inserting a new schedule to the zone
- Apply an Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO) to land identified as having high risk for potential contamination.
- Include native vegetation exemptions in the Schedule to Clause 52.17 Native Vegetation of the Casey Planning Scheme.
- Delete the existing Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO) applied to land on Clyde Fiveways Road and Ballarto Road.
A separate planning scheme amendment will be prepared to introduce the associated Infrastructure Contributions Plan Overlay to incorporate the Casey Fields South (Employment) And Devon Meadows Infrastructure Contributions Plan.
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is responsible for the planning of new suburbs and renewal sites in Victoria. The VPA is the Planning Authority for draft amendment C295case – meaning that it is responsible for this amendment.
The VPA reports to the Minister for Planning while working closely with Casey City Council, government agencies and the planning and development community on integrated land use and infrastructure coordination for important development sites and precincts.
Our key priorities include unlocking land for new homes and communities, facilitating housing diversity and affordability, job creation and better development of new communities in growing and established areas.
Melbourne Water is the waterway, drainage and floodplain authority for the Port Phillip and Westernport region. We work with local Councils and government to ensure that appropriate drainage and water management infrastructure is in place to support increased demand, to protect people and property from flooding, and to protect our waterways.
Managing key issues
Flooding will be managed through new drainage within the Precinct. New drainage areas have been identified in the PSP and will be implemented as part of Melbourne Water’s Development Services Scheme (DSS) for the area. The DSS will ensure that development within the PSP is protected from flooding.
An existing Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO) covering parts of the Precincts will be retained. The LSIO will ensure that flood risk is managed at the planning permit stage for new development in areas under this overlay.
The PSP also includes Integrated Water Management strategies to enhance catchment resilience and manage existing and future flood risks and impacts.
The Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows PSP area falls within the Melbourne Strategic Assessment (MSA) area under the federal Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, where the Southern Brown Bandicoot is an endangered animal identified for protection.
The provision of Southern Brown Bandicoot habitat in the PSP area will be funded through development levies collected through the MSA Program. Drainage lines as part of the Melbourne Water Development Services Scheme and land where the Land Subject to Inundation Overlay is applied will also act as habitat corridors, enhancing habitat connectivity to adjoining areas.
Climate change has been considered within the plan through the incorporation of key elements such as open space, the Development Services Scheme, tree canopy enhancement and integrated water management strategies. Additionally, the PSP emphasises achieving environmentally sustainable development (ESD) outcomes, such as a walkable built form and 20-Minute Neighbourhoods, ensuring that the development will align with long-term environmental sustainability goals.
The VPA has undertaken an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment for both Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows Precincts to identify areas of tangible cultural heritage. To further identify any tangible and intangible cultural heritage values, the VPA has also engaged the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation (BLCAC) to produce a Cultural Values Assessment (CVA) as the Registered Aboriginal Party for the lands the Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows Precincts are located on.
As part of the preparation of the CVA – the BLCAC have conducted a site ‘walk over’ and the place based plan has been refined to retain cultural values with place outcomes. This includes an identified 5.41ha patch of remnant vegetation located in the South East of the precinct as culturally significant and recommended its retention through the PSP planning process.
This patch of remnant native vegetation has been classified as “Aboriginal heritage” and treated as encumbered open space – meaning that it is undevelopable.
Infrastructure and Development Staging
Infrastructure and development staging involves strategic planning and phasing projects over time to ensure efficient implementation and sustainability through the consideration of factors such as funding, regulations, and practicality.
An Infrastructure and Development Staging Plan (IDSP) facilitates development in preferred locations to mitigate sequencing that results in poor outcomes. It is based on a reasonable forecast of the preferred pattern and timing of development in the precinct.
The IDSP has been prepared to deliver the Development Services Scheme and outfall provisions, as well as other key drainage infrastructure including an interim sewer pump station and rising main in the Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows Precincts. There are no significant State funded projects required to facilitate development of the Precincts.
New planning controls/any overlays explained
The Urban Growth Zone (UGZ) designates land for future urban development, facilitating the transition from non-urban to urban use. It encourages the creation of well-planned, services urban communities in line with PSPs, streamlines approval processes in these areas, and protects non-urban land from activities that could impede its future urban development.
The Infrastructure Contributions Overlay (ICO) outlines requirements for monetary and/or land contributions within a specific area, often to secure land for public open space. Typically prepared by a planning authority like a municipal council or the Minister for Planning, its creation and approval follow guidelines set by the Planning and Environment Act and ministerial directives.
The Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO) ensures assessment of potentially contaminated land occurs before a new sensitive use begins. The EAO is typically applied where earlier land uses may have contaminated the land. Assessment of potentially contaminated land is done through the planning permit process.
The Heritage Overlay (HO) is applied to identified heritage places where planning controls are required to conserve and enhance its significance. A planning permit is typically required to demolish or externally alter an existing building or to subdivide or construct a new building where a HO applies.
The Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO) ensures development in flood prone areas, minimising potential flood risks and maintaining free passage and temporary storage of floodwaters. The approval of Melbourne Water is required at the planning permit stage for new development in LSIO areas.
The Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO) is applied to identified land to reserve it for a public purpose and indicates that this land could be compulsorily acquired in the future.
How will this impact me?
The Casey Field South (Employment) and Devon Meadows precinct will be urbanised with new homes, businesses and infrastructure. There will be new work opportunities for local residents, with over 5,000 new jobs expected to be generated within the Casey Field South (Employment) Precinct. The PSP will also deliver new transport, drainage and community infrastructure, including facilitation of:
- New intersections along Ballarto Road, Clyde Five Ways Road, Craig Road and South Gippsland Highway.
- A local convenience centre in both Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows Precincts.
- A government primary school and government secondary school in Devon Meadows Precinct.
- A multipurpose community centre including kindergartens and meeting rooms for community use, which will be co-located with the primary school in Devon Meadows Precinct.
- A public open space network including four new local parks in Casey Fields South, and six new local parks and a local sports reserve in Devon Meadows.
Having your say
Any person, including residents, landowners, and other affected community members can make a written submission on draft Amendment C295case and accompanying documents.
Draft Amendment C295case and all supporting documents are available free of charge to the general public on the VPA’s project webpage and on the Engage Victoria webpage under the Documents section.
Phone interpreters in all languages are available on 03 8351 3452. If you would like to receive translated copies of any material, contact us via 03 9651 9639 or email Peter Cooper, Senior Strategic Planner, at
Submissions received after this date may not be considered by the VPA and will be assessed to determine how or if they can be considered.
Submissions on Amendment C295case must be made in writing to the VPA via the submissions form on this page or by post.
Victorian Planning Authority
c/- Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows PSP
GPO Box 2392
Melbourne VIC 3001
We have prepared a How to Make a Submission guide to help you navigate making a submission on a planning scheme amendment. You can access it on the Documents section on the Engage Victoria webpage or on the VPA webpage.
Any submission relating to the Development Services Scheme will need to adhere to the following criteria:
- Ensuring the DSS objectives are met:
- Flood protection is to be provided for properties within the PSP
- New developments are not to further exacerbate existing flooding conditions for downstream/neighbouring properties.
- New developments are to achieve appropriate best practice stormwater quality treatment for flows generated from their property to mitigate impacts on downstream environments
- To optimise drainage land requirements within the existing Urban Floodway Zone area and Melbourne Water owned land
- Proposed constructed waterways to provide safe drainage and flood protection and to incorporate environmental, cultural and amenity values
- Climate Change effects to be included in the Development Services Scheme design
- Protect/minimise impacts on existing environmental and waterway values
- Meet critical and other agency asset operational requirements to ensure constructability (i.e. water supply mains, transmission infrastructure and assets)
- Achieve the principles as set out in the Melbourne Water Principles for Provision of Waterway and Drainage Services for Urban Growth (i.e. equity, cost/performance balance)
Other requirements
- Need to refer to the Drainage Strategy Concept report for additional information.
- Maximise drainage within existing Urban Floodway Zone
- No detrimental impact to performance, operation, maintenance or access to Melbourne Water supply mains.
- Ongoing asset ownership considerations
- If an asset is servicing a catchment <60ha, it will be vested to Council
- If an asset is servicing a catchment >60ha, it will be vested to Melbourne Water
- Consideration of the implementation and delivery of assets post PSP gazettal.
- Melbourne Water will not consider assets that clearly demonstrate a shifting of assets from one property to another without meeting the above objectives.
Submissions provided to the Victorian Planning Authority are part of an open public process where all parties affected by the planning scheme can provide input into the draft amendment.
If you choose to make a submission, you consent to your submission being made public, and being identified as the author of the submission.
Your submission will be made available for public inspection on the VPA website until two months after gazettal of the resulting planning scheme amendment and will also be made available to relevant Ministers and local councils, and other involved government agencies.
If you are a private individual, your personal information will be removed from your submission before it is released to parties outside government or local councils. Contact details do not include the address of land which is the subject of your submission.
By making a submission, you also give permission for copyright material to be copied and made public.
You can call the VPA project team at any time during business hours, Monday to Friday 9 – 5pm on 03 9651 9639 (Peter Cooper). You can also email the team via
Once a submission is made to the VPA, you will first receive a notice to acknowledge it has been received.
After the consultation period ends, VPA staff will review all submissions received. As part of this process, VPA staff may contact submitters as required to further discuss their submission and any changes sought.
If required, draft Amendment C295case may be subject to the VPA Projects Standing Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC has been established to provide independent advice on draft planning scheme amendments to the VPA and the Minister for Planning.
While the VPA will seek to resolve issues raised by submitters, following the public consultation process, the Minister for Planning will be advised of the outcomes and provided with options to resolve submissions, including, but not limited to, referral to the SAC. If so, submitters will be contacted regarding next steps, process, and timing.
This is the final phase of consultation on the Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows PSP and the only phase of consultation on Amendment C295case to the Casey Planning Scheme.
If you make a submission, you may be invited to participate in a subsequent independent review process. Otherwise, this is your final opportunity to have your say on the strategic planning for the Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows PSP.