Melton East PSP

Melton East Precinct Structure Plan

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is leading the preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) for Melton East, working in collaboration with Melton City Council, State Government agencies, service authorities and landowners.  

The Melton East PSP is located 35km north-west of Melbourne’s CBD, to the east of the existing Melton township. The PSP encompasses an area of 1,005ha, bounded by Kororoit Creek to the north-east, Western Freeway to the south, Leakes Road to the east and the Melton Highway to the north-west. The PSP will complement existing surrounding development through the provision of residential and commercial opportunities. The precinct is included in the Melbourne Strategic Assessment area and includes Biodiversity Conservation Strategy conservation areas along Kororoit Creek.

For further project information, refer to Project Status Updates. If you have any other queries regarding Melton East PSP or the PSP 2.0 process, please contact the Project Team. 

PSP 2.0

In 2019, the VPA undertook a review of the Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) planning process. The review set a new strategy to streamline PSP preparation by undertaking greater collaboration and co-design with our partners and adapting the resulting PSPs to be more compact and useful.

The Melton East Precinct Structure Plan is being prepared in line with PSP 2.0.

Historical rock wall found within the Melton East PSP


Interactive map of Melton East Precinct Structure Plan

Background information

A Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) is a land use and infrastructure plan to guide the development of an area over time. It provides certainty for community members and developers by providing a long-term vision for how an area will develop in the future. 

A PSP sets out the preferred locations of residential and employment land and infrastructure, and provides guidance for transport and parking, urban design, heritage and character, open spaces and integrated water management. 

Together with the broader planning framework, precinct structure planning is an important part of the Victorian Government’s strategy to address population growth, housing and employment demands. 

An Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) is a simplified system for funding basic and essential local infrastructure required for a new community. 

An ICP ensures that developers within a new precinct contribute to the cost of providing new intersections, local open space and community facilities. 

An ICP may be made of one or two parts: a standard levy and/or a supplementary levy. The standard levy is a pre-set rate that may be used to fund transport, community and recreation infrastructure and public land provision. In particular circumstances, a supplementary levy may also apply to fund additional infrastructure needs. 

For further information, refer to Infrastructure Contributions Plans.

The draft plans will consider the: 

  • Existing natural features of the precincts; 
  • Surrounding land uses; 
  • Infrastructure needs of the community; and
  • Relevant State Government policies and strategies.

Several technical investigations will be undertaken to support the draft plans including: 

Phase 1 Technical Studies: 

  • Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment; 
  • Aboriginal Cultural Values Assessment;
  • Arboricultural Assessment;
  • Biodiversity Assessment (as required);
  • Climate Resilience Assessment;
  • Community Infrastructure Assessment;
  • Economic and Retail Needs Assessment;
  • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment;
  • Land Capability Assessment;
  • Post-Contact Heritage Assessment;
  • Utilities Assessment. 

Phase 2 Technical Studies: 

  • Bushfire Assessment; 
  • Integrated Water Management (IWM) Assessment;  
  • Noise Impact Assessment (as required); 
  • Social and Affordable Housing Strategy; 
  • Sodic Soils Assessment;
  • Transport Assessment (as required). 

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) will prepare the draft plans with the assistance of: 

  • Melton Council; 
  • State Government agencies; 
  • Service authorities; and 
  • Landowners and other interested stakeholders.

Project Status Updates – July 2024

We have been holding regular workshops and meetings with Melton City Council and other key stakeholders to progress the planning for the Melton East PSP.  

Since our last update in May, the project team has been: 

  • Finalising the Kororoit Creek bridge feasibility analysis, transport modelling and integrated transport assessment. 
  • Finalising the cultural values assessment and aboriginal cultural heritage impact assessment process with the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Heritage Corporation.  
  • Responding to agency validation feedback and issues resolution. 
  • Advancing our draft place-based plan and draft Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) with input from government stakeholders. 

We recently completed the agency validation process. This milestone provided government stakeholders a formal opportunity to submit feedback on their key priorities, to be incorporated into the PSP. 

In the coming months, we will focus on refining the place-based plan and draft PSP based on agency validation feedback.   

We will also finalise and publish the following technical studies: 

  • Kororoit Creek Bridge feasibility analysis  
  • Cultural Heritage permit for proposed bridge locations 
  • Transport modelling and integrated transport assessment 
  • Aboriginal cultural heritage impact assessment 
  • Cultural values assessment 

Following the agency validation process, we will prepare the infrastructure contributions plan, design and costings and the planning scheme amendment to be released for public consultation.  

Previous Project Status Updates

Supporting Documentation

Melton East PSP - Vision & Purpose Summary Document - August 2022
Melton East PSP - Vision & Purpose Summary Document - August 2022 PDF  Version
Melton East PSP - Vision & Purpose Workshop - Information Sheet - May 2022
Melton East PSP - Vision & Purpose Workshop - Information Sheet - May 2022 PDF  Version
Melton East PSP – Climate Resilience Assessment (HIP V. HYPE) November 2022
Melton East PSP – Climate Resilience Assessment (HIP V. HYPE) November 2022 PDF  Version
Melton East PSP - Climate Resilience Assessment - Implementation (Hip V. Hype) July 2023
Melton East PSP - Climate Resilience Assessment - Implementation (Hip V. Hype) July 2023 PDF  Version