Northern Freight Precinct

Northern Freight Precinct

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has been commissioned by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) to provide planning services and advice for future development of the Northern Freight Precinct (NFP) and surrounds to assist with the delivery of the Beveridge Interstate Freight Terminal (BIFT) in Melbourne’s north.  

The VPA is leading the preparation of a high-level precinct plan and infrastructure delivery plan for Northern Freight, working in consultation with City of Whittlesea, Mitchell Shire Council, State Government agencies, service authorities and landowners. 

The Northern Freight Precinct (NFP), located in Beveridge is approximately 40km north of Melbourne’s CBD, in Whittlesea City Council. The precinct encompasses an area of 1,399ha, bounded by Merri Creek to the east, the Melbourne-Albury-Sydney Railway line to the west, the future Wallan East Part 2 Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) to the north, and the future E6/Outer Metropolitan Ring transport corridor and Donnybrook PSP to the south.

BIFT is one of a number of new intermodal terminals proposed and/or being developed to serve metropolitan Melbourne which will transform the freight and logistics in Victoria. Situated immediately adjacent to both Inland Rail and the Hume Freeway, NFP is ideally located to unlock the potential of Commonwealth’s investment in developing Inland Rail and will support broader industrial and commercial development in Melbourne’s north. 

To receive updates on the Northern Freight Precinct, please enter your details into the ‘Subscribe Now’ field on the left of screen.

If you have any other queries regarding the Northern Freight, please contact the project team.

Property Access

Please refer to the Property Access tab above.

Interactive map of the Northern Freight Precinct

Property Access

Over the course of the project, the VPA or its representatives may require access to landholdings in the precinct to undertake technical studies to inform development of the precinct plan. Access remains entirely at the landowner’s discretion, however, failure to provide access may mean that further work will be required to determine development suitability at the time of development.   

Please note that, if you provide consent to access your landholding, we (or our representatives) will always attempt to contact you ahead of time before entering your property.   

Please complete the below online form to consent access to your property by the VPA during the project.

Information obtained in this form will be used in accordance with the terms of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) which provides a statutory framework for privacy and guides government agencies and statutory authorities in their personal information handling activities. More information on how this data will be used can be found at

Northern Freight Precinct - Consent to Access Land form

Northern Freight Precinct - Consent to Access Land form

Landowner contact details

Representative contact details

Property Access

Occupier contact details

Owner/occupier availability


I/we declare that the information submitted in this form is true and correct. Where there is more than one owner (i.e. where there are joint tenants or tenants in common) all owners must sign.

Additional signatures