Planning for the future of Preston Market
The Victorian Planning Authority is planning for the future of the Preston Market site and community members are invited to share their stories about the much-loved asset.
The site is expected to be redeveloped, in line with council and state planning strategies, and the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is reviewing the planning controls that will set the parameters for this redevelopment. Sensitive redevelopment of the site can help ensure the market remains economically and culturally vibrant into the future.
For a first round of community consultation, the VPA is asking Preston Market visitors and traders the following questions:
- What do you love about Preston Market?
- What makes Preston Market unique? This could relate to a place, people or an experience unique to Preston Market
- When planning for the future of the market, what could be changed or improved?
Click here to complete this feedback using our interactive map. This information will help the VPA establish an overarching vision for the site and better understand which aspects of the market people are keen to see continue.
While the first stage of consultation invites people to submit feedback online, the second round will involve face-to-face community drop-in sessions. During this second round of consultation people will have the opportunity to provide feedback on potential development scenarios, which will inform future planning controls for the site.
Learn more about the VPA’s planning for the project here: https://vpa.vic.gov.au/project/preston-market-site/