Streamlining for Growth: Best Practice Panel – October 2019
The Streamlining for Growth Program is funded by the Victorian State Government and managed by the Victorian Planning Authority. The program funds projects that unblock delays in the planning system and speeds up delivery of projects.
One of the projects funded in 2018/19 was the Growth Area Council Health Check. The health check highlighted a gap in understanding between the development industry and council officers around the needs and economic drivers of the development process and how those needs “fit” with approval processes.
The project highlighted a broad commitment to breaching this gap, so in October we hosted a panel discussion to initiate a more open dialogue and greater understanding of different issues and pressures facing both the development industry and Councils.
Anna Cronin, the Red Tape Commissioner, presented key findings and directions from the draft report into Planning and Building Approvals Process Review across Victoria. Anna discussed how the findings of the report can help build a closer connection between key stakeholders and take questions. You can view Anna Cronin’s slides here.
We then heard from Luke Shannon, General Manager of Planning & Development at Melton City Council on Melton’s current practice and areas for improvement, including projects that are being funded to respond to the Growth Area Council Health Check. You can view Luke Shannon’s slides here.