VPA to create clear planning parameters for Defence Site Maribyrnong
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is creating a planning framework for the Defence Site Maribyrnong that will ensure the community’s views about the future of the site are reflected in new planning controls.
The EPA will establish remediation requirements to ensure the land is suitable for its future use. The Federal government has announced it intends selling the land through the Department of Defence.
It has started the sale process of the site “to obtain industry insights about the sale, remediation and development process”.
This is a separate process to the creation of the planning framework being undertaken by the VPA.
State planning controls will apply to the site from the day the land is transferred by Defence to the new owner. The scale of development, including the number of new dwellings, will be determined through the state planning framework.
Any developer of the site will not be able to redevelop this land prior to the Victorian Government’s establishment of the planning framework, and the approval of planning permits for development.
The VPA, in partnership with Maribyrnong City Council and in close consultation with the community, will ensure that the planning framework sets clear parameters for future development on this site.
For more information about the sale process for the site, please contact the Department of Defence.