Victorian Planning Authority welcomes Infrastructure Victoria’s latest findings
Stuart Moseley, CEO
General comments
Infrastructure Victoria’s latest paper ‘Growing Victoria’s Potential’ throws up some important opportunities and challenges for us to consider as our significant and sustained population growth continues.
At the Victorian Planning Authority, we work with our stakeholders to shape growth to deliver benefit for communities.
Beyond the call for better planning and infrastructure delivery, this report encourages Victorians to be an active part of the population debate and inform the conversations we are having about density and our cities.
Melburnians love affair with relatively low density needs to see a shift, as the report highlights an overall acceptance that our choices now will determine the types of density and the shape of our city in the future.
Our work at the Victorian Planning Authority is doing just this with projects such as Arden and Altona North showing how development and density can be done well.
Regional Victoria
The ongoing improvement of connectivity between Melbourne and its regional cities has made living and working regionally a possibility for more Victorians.
We know from this report, ‘Growing Victoria’s Potential’ that the regions are important for population distribution but also important for ensuring quality of life for Victorians everywhere.
The capacity of our regional areas is significant if supported by infrastructure and service upgrades and improvements.
The VPA is actively working in 27 regional cities and towns to identify and unlock opportunities for regional growth across Victoria.