Our Board
From 1 January 2025 the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) became part of the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).
The former VPA Board Directors have been replaced by a sole Commissioner, the Secretary of the Department of Transport and Planning, who will oversee and assume responsibility on behalf of the Minister for Planning for all VPA roles and functions previously undertaken by the VPA Board.
The CEO, Victorian Planning Authority will retain this title and report to the Secretary. Note, arrangements are in place following a restructure in DTP, which took effect on 10 February 2025, for the CEO role to report to the acting Deputy Secretary, Housing, Building and Land Delivery.
The VPA will retain its existing identity and presence with the Victorian community, including as the gateway for industry.
Due to the sensitive nature of the role of the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA), from time to time conflict of interest situations may arise, have potential to arise or be perceived to have arisen.
The Victorian Planning Authority Act 2017 contains conflict of interest requirements that apply to VPA Authority Members, staff and consultants. Conflicts are required to be declared, and conflicted individuals must stand aside from any involvement in the matter.
It is considered that the circumstances where conflicts are most likely to occur fall into three major categories:
VPA Staff and Authority Members
In respect of the VPA staff and Authority Members, the VPA is required to follow the Government’s Codes of Conduct and the Victorian Public Sector Conflict of Interest Policy Framework, as well as the VPA Act. These documents, and other relevant material, are available through the Victorian Public Sector Commission website.
VPA Authority Members are public officials under section 4 of the Public Administration Act 2004. In performing their roles Members are bound by the legislated requirements of the Victorian public sector values of: responsiveness; integrity; impartiality; accountability; respect and leadership.
In addition, VPA Authority Members also comply with the Code of Conduct which is aligned to these public sector values. Click here to find a copy of the relevant code.
The VPA and members also adhere to the conflict of interest principles specified in the Public Administration Act 2004. More information on duties related to conflict of interest can be found on the Victorian Public Sector Commission website.
Conflict of Interest
Adhering to the policies set out above ensures that potential conflicts of interest at Board level are identified and appropriately managed. Authority Members must declare any potential new conflicts at the start of each Authority meeting. If a conflict exists, then Authority Members must not take any part in discussion of the matter, or participate in the Authority’s decision.
The Authority has a Conflict of Interest Policy – Board Members – March 2023 (PDF) and a Conflict of Interest Policy – Staff – July 2023 (PDF).
Probity guidelines have also been developed to assist with the VPA’s activities. For more information, refer to the VPA Probity Guidelines – April 2023 (PDF).
The VPA has adopted a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy – August 2024 (Word) which complies with the Victorian Public Sector Commission framework. As part of this policy we may collect information relating to gift offers made to VPA staff and Authority Members.
Our Privacy Collection Statement – Gift Offers – March 2017 (PDF) explains how this information is used.
For further information, refer to VPA Gift Register – 2023-2024 (Excel).
The VPA welcomes feedback on our planning processes. We have adopted a Complaint Handling Policy – July 2017 (PDF) that outlines how we deal with any complaints we may receive. Complaints can be raised directly with the VPA staff member who is dealing with the relevant matter, or can be emailed to complaints@vpa.vic.gov.au.
Landowners/Developers (or their agents) in relation to third party PSP funding agreements
In some circumstances, a landowner or developer will have entered into third party funding arrangements for the provision of resources to undertake the background studies associated with PSP preparation. In the terms of the contractual relationship with the VPA, the parties involved have an enhanced duty in respect of actual, potential and perceived conflict of interest situations.
The VPA has an Information Sheet: Conflict of interest as it pertains to Third Parties (and their agents) who contract with the VPA‚ which is provided to all signatories to such an agreement, and is available on request from the VPA.
Public Interest Disclosure Policy
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 (the Act). It does not tolerate improper conduct by its employees, officers or members, nor the taking of reprisals against those who come forward to disclose such conduct.
The VPA will take all reasonable steps to protect people who make such disclosures from any detrimental action in reprisal for making the disclosure. It will also afford natural justice to the person who is the subject of the disclosure.
For further information, refer to Public Interest Disclosures Policy and Procedures – January 2020 (PDF).