Under the Financial Management Act 1994, the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) is responsible for setting the policies and standards for the supply, management and disposal of goods and services by Victorian government departments and agencies. By applying the VGPB policies to our own circumstances, the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) aims to ensure value for money, probity and transparency in our procurement practices.
The VPA Procurement Policy and Procedures sets out:
- VPA Procurement Policy
- VPA Procurement Procedures
- Request for Quote Procedures
- Tendering Procedures; and
- Contract Procedures.
The VPA has panel arrangements for most of the procurement that we undertake. There are eight panel categories that cover differing areas and expertise. Once the panel is established, purchases of property and services can be made directly from panel members without the need for further procurement processes. The Panel Members are appointed for an initial period of three years through a publicly advertised nomination process. The Panel Members are appointed after an assessment process. More detail can be found in our procurement process below.
VPA Procurement undertaken by the VPA will take into consideration, and be consistent with, as far as is practicable, the social and environmental principles and desired outcomes as detailed in the Victorian Government Social Procurement Framework.
For further information, refer to the Procurement Policy and Procedures – December 2024 (PDF).
VPA Procurement Strategy
In accordance with new Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) guidelines the VPA have prepared a procurement strategy. This procurement strategy has several key requirements necessary in order to be compliant with revised standing directions at 30 June 2022, these include the VPA preparing a:
- supplier engagement plan
- capability development plan
- contract management planning strategy, and
- procurement activity plan.
For further information, refer to the Procurement Strategy – May 2022 (PDF).
Procurement Activity Plan
The Victorian Government Purchasing Board’s governance policy requires departments to publish a high-level summary of planned procurement activities to be conducted over the next 12-months.
This plan provides potential suppliers with an overview of the types of procurement activities (goods and services only) that the department may undertake during this period.
The VPA’s Forward Procurement Activity Plan – Financial Year 2024-25 (PDF) is updated annually and was last updated on 29 January 2025.
Please note the following:
- All planned procurement activities are subject to revision or cancellation. The information in the VPA’s Forward Procurement Activity Plan is provided for information purposes only and does not represent a solicitation or invitation to supply, or a commitment by the authority to purchase.
- The date listed in the procurement activity plan is when the authority is commencing its preparations for the procurement activity and the actual tender release date may be some time after the date listed.
Consultants and Contractors to the VPA
Consultants are required under the VPA Act to declare any conflicts of interest before providing advice to the VPA. The Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees also extends to contractors/consultants in most circumstances. In addition, the VPA, like other Victorian Government bodies, has a requirement in its standard contract documentation that consultants/contractors engaged by the VPA have a duty to disclose and mitigate any conflict or potential conflict of interest situations.
Please see link for a list of Contractors and Consultants (PDF).
For more information, refer to the Procurement Policy and Procedures – December 2024 (PDF).