CEO Update – October 2024
I’m delighted this month to be able to bring you up to date on the significant announcements made by government this week and what they mean for the VPA.
The expansion of the Government’s Activity Centre Program will see our planning partnership with DTP continue to progressively introduce new planning controls from next year to 25 additional activity centres across metropolitan Melbourne. The expansion adds to the 10 pilot centres announced in September last year.
The announcement of a 10-year plan for Melbourne’s greenfields provides clarity on the VPA’s current and forward priorities in planning for new communities. The plan sets a strong agenda for getting the most out of existing zoned land through a dedicated concierge service and the targeted review of approved PSPs. The plan also contains commitments for delivering new zoned capacity over the next decade.
Horizon 1 in the plan comprises six residential and four employment plans targeted for completion by 2028, with capacity for around 36,300 homes and 53,300 jobs*. Our recently approved business plan empowers the VPA to progress all plans in Horizon 1, together with a number of important plans in regional areas.
Beyond this, the plan prioritises 24 plans for commencement in two horizons over the next 10 years. This will provide a steady pipeline of additional zoned land with capacity for an estimated 91,500 dwellings and 58,000 jobs*.
There are also important changes to the governance of the VPA. We will become part of the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) from early 2025. This change will bring together all of the principal functions of the state planning system to cut delays and deliver faster and better structure planning and development outcomes in growth areas around the state.
These announcements set a clear agenda and impact for the VPA in delivering zoned for housing, jobs and infrastructure to deliver on Victoria’s Housing Statement.

A 10-year plan for Melbourne’s greenfields
The Victorian Government has launched a landmark plan for 27 new greenfield areas across Melbourne’s outer south-east, north, and west to be planned and released over the next 10 years.
The first focus of the plan is to leverage more housing and better outcomes on land that is already zoned.
The VPA and DTP will review selected existing Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) that are not yet fully developed to understand opportunities for increasing the number and types of homes where there is sufficient planned infrastructure (transport, schools and community facilities) to support them.
DTP and the VPA will also work together to deliver a new and dedicated concierge service that will work with councils and industry to unlock constrained zoned land, identifying and addressing issues preventing high yield zoned land from being developed.
The second focus of the plan is to plan and rezone new precincts.
The plan sets out a planning pipeline that provides concrete timelines for industry and community about when the 27 new plans will commence, while also giving developers the confidence to invest early and get shovels in the ground sooner. The VPA will work with DTP to rezone capacity for new homes and also a steady supply of industrial land to enable more jobs closer to more homes.
The plan commits to including staging provisions in future PSPs as required to ensure infrastructure delivery keeps pace with development and land can be adequately serviced when it is released.
The third focus of the plan is regular review and reporting on the future pipeline of greenfields supply to make sure it is delivering housing choice in the right locations.
Read the 10-year plan for Melbourne’s greenfields

Expansion of the Activity Centres Program
The Victorian Government is expanding the Activity Centres Program to 25 new activity centres near train stations or trams across Melbourne. This will support new homes to be built in areas with good existing transport capacity and leverage new capacity created through Victoria’s Big Build investment in the Level Crossing Removal Program and Metro Tunnel project.
The program will introduce new planning controls from next year in or around:
- The future Sunbury to Cranbourne-Pakenham line using the Metro Tunnel:
- Carnegie Station, Murrumbeena Station, Hughesdale Station, Oakleigh Station
- Middle Footscray Station, West Footscray Station, Tottenham Station
- Belgrave/ Lilydale Line:
- Hawthorn Station, Glenferrie Station, Auburn Station
- Blackburn Station, Nunawading Station, Mitcham Station
- Frankston Line:
- Toorak Village (58 tram), Toorak Station, Hawksburn Station, Armadale Station, Malvern Station
- Sandringham Line:
- North Brighton Station, Middle Brighton Station, Hampton Station, Sandringham Station
- Glen Waverly Line:
- Tooronga Station, Gardiner Station& Glen Iris Station (combined), Darling Station
The new centres are well serviced by public transport, community facilities and shops and will support the supply of more homes across Victoria.
Community feedback on the initial 10 pilot activity centre plans has emphasised the importance of prioritising locations with good public transport. Including these established areas that are well serviced by public transport in the Activity Centres Program will enable the supply of more than 300,000 additional homes by 2051.
The VPA will continue to support DTP in this important city-shaping program.
Find out more about the Activity Centres Program

VPA Business Plan 2024-25
The Minister for Planning has approved the VPA Business Plan 2024/25.
The business plan outlines the projects and activities that the VPA will undertake in 2024-2025 to deliver key new Victorian Government initiatives to provide more homes for Victorians and to continue delivery of Victoria’s Housing Statement.
Our 2024/25 work programs support capacity for new homes and jobs in places across metropolitan Melbourne and in regional Victorian cities and towns:
- Regional cities and towns – progress five projects in growing regional cities and towns to increase zoned capacity close to jobs, services and transport
- Established Melbourne – support DTP to finalise plans for 10 pilot activity centres and commence plans for 25 activity centres near train stations or trams across Melbourne
- Industrial land – progress 10 projects in regional cities and Melbourne’s greenfield areas to boost supply of industrial and commercial land in strategic locations
- Melbourne new communities – nine projects that will over time provide zoned and sequenced capacity in line with Horizon 1 of the 10-year plan for Melbourne’s greenfields.
We will also implement key initiatives to support better plans and better outcomes, including continued focus on:
- Traditional Owner engagement and protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage and values
- Progression of actions to support strong and efficient planning, including PSP sequencing and staging provisions and moves to reduce the time taken for plan completion
- Provide advice on unlocking zoned land for new homes
- Input into a new plan for Victoria and the review of the Planning and Environment Act
- Discharge our legislative requirements (statutory planning and infrastructure advice and contributions)
- Financial sustainability and organisational capability
Read the VPA Business Plan 2024-25
Governance changes for the VPA
The VPA will become part of the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) from early 2025. This change will bring together all of the principal functions of the state planning system to cut delays and deliver faster and better structure planning and development outcomes in growth areas around the state.
We are excited about our move into the department and the opportunities it brings to deliver better plans faster and unlock quality outcomes for Victorian communities. New integration will bring new opportunities to work closely with our partners and stakeholders in local government, the planning profession and the development community more effectively and with greater impact than ever before.
As always, I thank you for your interest and ongoing support. I look forward to maintaining our close connection with you in our planning work over the coming months and years.