Cutting red tape in our growth areas
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is helping growth area councils speed up planning processes by awarding $1.4 million towards a range of new projects.
The projects are part of the VPA’s Streamlining for Growth Program and were identified through an audit into planning processes across all growth area councils.
The funding will consist of $975,000 in grants to Cardinia, Casey, Melton, Whittlesea and Wyndham councils for 10 projects within their municipalities.
In addition, the VPA is investing $415,000 towards four, overarching improvement projects that will benefit all growth area councils, including Hume and Mitchell.
Projects range in scope and objectives, from investing in innovative technologies, improving internal assessment processes and simplifying planning controls within Urban Growth Zone schedules.
We know there is a backlog of subdivision permits waiting to be signed off in Melbourne’s growth areas.
By creating new ways of processing these permits, we will ultimately help land get to market faster, so that people can get on with building their dream home.
The $24 million Streamlining for Growth Program is administered by the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) and is in its fourth year of operation.
The program provides grants and technical assistance to councils for urban planning initiatives that will speed up the development of new affordable housing, jobs and infrastructure.
Quotes attributable to Executive Director of Planning, Infrastructure and Technical, Rachel Dapiran:
“The Victorian Government is ensuring land is brought to market in a timely fashion, to keep housing prices in check and allow people to fulfill their dream of owning a family home.”
“The Victorian government has invested $24 million into the Streamlining for Growth Program over four years to ensure our state maintains its world-class liveability.”