What is a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP)?

A Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) is a high-level strategic plan for a defined ‘precinct’ area that sets out the preferred location of land uses and infrastructure to guide development, subdivision and building permits which is incorporated into the local Planning Scheme through a Planning Scheme Amendment

PSPs are prepared having regard to existing features of the site and surrounds, relevant state government and council policy (including the Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines: New Communities in Victoria – October 2021) and the aspirations of the community. The views of landowners within the precinct are also taken into account subject to them being consistent with the above.

Matters considered in a PSP may include the location of future activity centres, roads, cycle and pedestrian paths, heritage places, parks, waterways and other open spaces, schools, and community infrastructure.

Once PSPs are incorporated into the relevant local Planning Scheme they are implemented primarily through subdivision planning permit applications lodged with the local council.

Planning applications to subdivide and develop land within a precinct must be generally in accordance with an approved PSP. For further information, refer to Generally in Accordance.