Generally in Accordance Guidelines

Generally in Accordance: New guidance and clarity for Precinct Structure Plan developments

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has released new guidance to bring clarity and certainty to developments in greenfields Melbourne.

What is “generally in accordance?”

A crucial component of the Urban Growth Zone (UGZ) is the requirement that planning applications be “generally in accordance” with the corresponding Precinct Structure Plan (PSP). The requirement is part of a flexible and responsive assessment framework that reduces red tape and streamlines planning applications that align with the intention of the accompanying PSP. This has been a key innovation in allowing efficient and streamlined development approvals in Melbourne’s growth areas.

Applications that are generally in accordance also waive third party notice requirements and appeal rights, allowing for a more streamlined development process, resulting in savings for homebuyers, developers and councils.

With so much on the line, it’s vital that the term is applied consistently across the growth areas.

New guidance for Precinct Structure Plans developments

To provide clarity and maintain the flexibility and innovation that this term accommodates, the VPA has created the Generally in Accordance Guidelines.

The Generally in Accordance Guidelines provide analysis, VCAT commentary and case studies to help developers, referral authorities and decision makers understand and apply the term to their own permit applications. They were developed in collaboration with the development industry, service authorities and Local and State Government partners to ensure they work for everyone involved in the PSP planning process.

PSPs are flexible and effective tools that help planners and developers provide for complete communities. These new guidelines will help developers, decision makers and the community understand how applications are assessed and how permits and development approvals can be streamlined.

For more information, refer to the Generally in Accordance: Guidance Note – April 2020 (PDF).

Streamlining for Growth

The development of the Generally in Accordance Guidelines was supported and funded by the Streamlining for Growth Program.

The Streamlining for Growth Program was funded by the Victorian State Government and managed by the VPA. It provided support and capacity building for councils in regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne. Through the provision of targeted funding and staff resources, the program assisted to unblock delays in the strategic planning system and speed up the delivery of projects that provide employment growth or increased housing choice, diversity and affordability.