New community proposed for Pakenham East
The Victorian Planning Authority and Cardinia Shire Council have released a draft plan for a new community in Pakenham East.
The draft Pakenham East Precinct Structure Plan is a comprehensive land-use plan for a new suburb, which includes proposals for jobs, key infrastructure and homes. The plan will be on exhibition until 23 February 2018.
The draft plan applies to 630 hectares of land bounded by green wedge land to the north, Mt Ararat Road to the east, the Princes Freeway to the south and Ryan Road and Deep Creek to the west.
Community members are now invited to attend drop-in sessions to learn more about the plan and make submissions to it. This plan is part of the Victorian Government’s 100,000 lots program, which consists of planning 17 new communities by the end of 2018.
The draft plan allows for approximately 7,100 new dwellings, a local town centre, two government primary schools, one non-government primary school, one government -secondary school and 43 hectares of open space.
Jobs have been growing steadily throughout the wider Cardinia area. Recent census data shows that between 2011 and 2016 there were an additional 6569 jobs based in the municipality, providing ample opportunities for residents to work locally.
The PSP will respond to the area’s landscape values by retaining key hilltops and viewing points within parks, and ensuring development retains view lines to and from these areas. This PSP also seeks to retain environmental values along the Deep Creek Corridor, with open space along the creek to create unique recreational opportunities.
Drop-in sessions about the draft plan will be held on the following dates:
- 6 February, Pakenham Library, 4.30pm – 6pm
- 15 February, Pakenham Library, 5.30pm – 7pm