PIA Women’s Breakfast
The VPA was delighted to support the 2019 Planning Institute of Australia International Women’s Day Breakfast and Female Achiever of the Year Award.
We congratulate this year’s winner, Lisa Kendal, Manager of Strategic Planning at the City of Ballarat. In this role Lisa has demonstrated outstanding commitment and innovative thinking whilst leading the largest strategic planning program ever seen in Ballarat’s history.
We would also like to congratulate VPA nominees Emily Mottram and Emily Killin. Emily Mottram is one of Australia’s key urban thought-leaders, pushing the boundaries of innovative spatial planning.
Emily Killin is a rising star of the profession and a planner who displays high integrity, collaboration and enthusiasm always.
The Female Achiever of the Year award is an annual award that is presented to a female planner who has made an outstanding contribution to planning in Victoria during the previous calendar year.
The event is a terrific opportunity to honour the work of Victoria’s many talented female planners and to promote equality in the profession more generally.