Bannockburn South East

Bannockburn South East

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is preparing the Bannockburn South East Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and Development Contributions Plan (DCP) in collaboration with Golden Plains Shire Council. 

Bannockburn South East precinct mainly consists of rural farming land

The Bannockburn South East precinct mainly consists of rural farming land

The precinct was identified as a priority growth area in the Bannockburn Growth Plan to deliver residential development in the short term. The precinct is located to the southeast of the existing Bannockburn township, approximately 16km north-west of Geelong.  

The precinct encompasses an area of 523ha and is expected to accommodate approximately 5,200 dwelling and 16,000 residents. The precinct is bound by the existing urban area to the north, the Future Growth Option to the east, a railway line to the south and Bruce’s Creek to the west.

Interactive map of Bannockburn South East precinct

Background information

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) a Victorian Government statutory authority that plans for urban growth across Victoria. We report to the Minister for Planning. 

The VPA’s main task is to make sure Melbourne and Victoria’s regions remain great places to live and work. This requires vision and long-term planning to ensure our growing population has equitable access to employment, public transport, attractive public spaces and affordable housing. 

We do this by working closely with councils, government agencies and the planning and development community on integrated land use and infrastructure coordination for new communities and strategically important precincts. 

The Minister for Planning has appointed the VPA to lead this project from conception to finalisation. Throughout the project, we will work closely with Golden Plains Shire Council, State Government agencies and local community members to ensure the plan considers and reflects their input.

A Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) is a land use and infrastructure plan to guide the development of an area over time. It provides certainty for community members and developers by providing a long-term vision for how an area will develop in the future. 

A PSP sets out the preferred locations of residential and employment land and infrastructure, and provides guidance for transport and parking, urban design, heritage and character, open spaces and integrated water management. 

Together with the broader planning framework, precinct structure planning is an important part of the Victorian Government’s strategy to address population growth, housing and employment demands. 

Bannockburn is one of the fastest growing towns in regional Victoria. The population is expected to reach more than 13,000 people by 2036, but there’s a shortage of land available to develop for new houses. The Precinct Structure Plan will provide an integrated plan to accommodate this growth in the short term in a sustainable matter, and will ensure this growth is coordinated with needed services, infrastructure and community facilities.

Bannockburn is the largest town in Golden Plains Shire. The Victorian Government and Council see it as an ideal place to support Golden Plains’ growing population, thanks to its existing infrastructure and amenity.

The Bannockburn South East Precinct was defined and put forward as a priority growth area as part of the work conducted for the Bannockburn Growth Plan. The Growth Plan sets out a vision for the long-term growth of Bannockburn and includes preliminary outcomes and high level planning work that will be used to guide the development and direction of the Bannockburn South East Precinct Structure Plan.

Project Status Updates – November 2024

VPA Business Plan 2024-25

The Minister for Planning has approved the VPA Business Plan 2024-25, outlining our work program and priorities for this financial year.   

Bannockburn South East is on the VPA work program for 2024-25. This is a strong commitment from government for the VPA to get on with our planning for Bannockburn South East, and to streamline and fast track the delivery of our plans where possible.  

Planning for Bannockburn South East while protecting VGED habitat

In January 2023, the critically endangered Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon (VGED) was rediscovered in a location west of Melbourne. It was the first time the species had been sighted in more than 50 years, and it was previously considered likely to be extinct. 

Since the rediscovery of VGED, the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) has been working with the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to confirm its habitat distribution and how to undertake surveys for the VGED. 

We now have clear guidance on how to progress planning for Bannockburn South East while protecting VGED habitat.

Find out more about planning in areas that include potential VGED habitat.

Update on our planning for Bannockburn South East

We have been progressing the planning for Bannockburn South East by working with Golden Plains Shire Council and other key stakeholders to progress planning for the Bannockburn South East precinct to prepare for public exhibition of the Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) package in early 2025.    

Since our last update in September, we have:   

  • Procured and progressed the final set of technical reports to inform public consultation. 
  • Continued to meet with Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, landholders and other stakeholders to formalise a pathway for protecting and managing cultural heritage through the development of the precinct. 
  • Met with key stakeholders including agencies to give an update on the project, next steps and to determine any outstanding or resolved issues leading up to public consultation. 

In the coming months we will be focused on finalising technical work, progressing cultural heritage matters with Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and refining the Precinct Structure Plan, Development Contributions Plan and Planning Scheme Amendment package for public consultation in 2025.  

Previous Project Status Updates

Supporting Documentation

Bannockburn South East PSP - Co-Design Summary Document - October 2022
Bannockburn South East PSP - Co-Design Summary Document - October 2022 PDF  Version
Bannockburn South East PSP - Co-Design Workshop - Mural (Edited) October 2022
Bannockburn South East PSP - Co-Design Workshop - Mural (Edited) October 2022 PDF  Version
Bannockburn South East PSP - Vision & Purpose Summary - August 2022
Bannockburn South East PSP - Vision & Purpose Summary - August 2022 PDF  Version
Bannockburn South East PSP - Pitching Sessions Summary - May 2022
Bannockburn South East PSP - Pitching Sessions Summary - May 2022 PDF  Version