East of Aberline PSP

East of Aberline Precinct Structure Plan

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA), in partnership with Warrnambool City Council and government agencies, is re-commencing the preparation of the East of Aberline Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and Development Contributions Plan (DCP).

As background, the VPA commenced the East of Aberline PSP project in 2019, prior to which Council had undertaken some work.  However in 2020 as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19, the Treasurer and Minister for Planning required the VPA to accelerate 19 projects on our existing work program.  East of Aberline amongst other projects were paused to refocus priority.

The East of Aberline PSP is expected to provide approximately 4,000 homes to accommodate a population of more than 9,000 people. It will also provide community facilities, local parks and potentially new schools. The VPA will work collaboratively with council to ensure the PSP considers the local community as well as the environment.  A key focus of this PSP is to facilitate environmentally sensitive outcomes fit for the existing and future Warrnambool community and its resilience.

Looking west across Russell Creek towards Aberline Road

Looking west across Russell Creek towards Aberline Road

Landowners – Register Your Information

As part of the PSP process, the VPA is required to undertake technical work on matters such as biodiversity, heritage (Aboriginal and European), arboricultural, land capability and others.  Access to your site will be critical to undertaking this work and enable creation of an informed PSP.

If you are a landowners in the Precinct we request permission to grant access to your property, and would appreciate if you can please fill out the attached form and return it via email to the project team.

For more information, refer to Consent to Access Land for Land Assessments form (Word)

The VPA or its representatives will always seek to notify you of any intention to enter your property to support planning investigations.


Background information

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) are a State government authority. The VPA are responsible for planning in new suburbs and renewal sites in parts of metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. The VPA reports to the Minister for Planning. 

The VPA works closely with councils, government agencies and the planning and development community on integrated land use and infrastructure coordination for important development sites and precincts. 

Our major tasks include unlocking land for new homes and communities, facilitating housing diversity and affordability, job creation and better development of new communities in new and established areas. 

A Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) is a land use and infrastructure plan to guide the development of an area over time. It provides certainty for community members and developers by providing a long-term vision for how an area will develop in the future. 

A PSP sets out the preferred locations of residential and employment land and infrastructure, and provides guidance for transport and parking, urban design, heritage and character, open spaces and integrated water management. 

Together with the broader planning framework, precinct structure planning is an important part of the Victorian Government’s strategy to address population growth, housing and employment demands. 

A Development Contributions Plan (DCP) identifies the costs of some essential infrastructure required to support a PSP such as the costs of signalised intersections, drainage corridors, retarding basins, and others. It will also set out a levy required for new development on a ‘per hectare of net developable area’ basis.   

The DCP is required since broad scale new development often contribute to or cause the need for new or upgraded infrastructure. It ensures that existing infrastructure is not over-burdened by new development.    

The DCP will be prepared concurrently with the PSP. All infrastructure items included must be strategically justified through the suite of background studies undertaken on the project. The DCP becomes a public document to be publicly exhibited along with the PSP. 

Project information

The Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) guides development of an area over time, however, it does not compel a landowner to develop their land if they wish to remain undeveloped.  

The East of Aberline PSP area is broadly bounded by Wangoom Road to the north, Horne Road and 75 Rodgers Road to the east, Dales Road to the south and Aberline Road to the west. The precinct boundary has been informed by the Warrnambool Planning Scheme and in particular the Warrnambool Strategic Framework Plan at Clause 02.04 in addition to consultation with state agencies, Warrnambool City Council and technical consultants.   

PSP boundaries are established to create logical and manageable ‘planning areas’ for the preparation of Precinct Structure Plans and associated Development Contributions Plans.  

Third party funding is the method adopted by the VPA to fund the preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and Development Contributions Plan (DCP). Funding will facilitate the preparation or updates to technical work, stakeholder consultation, and associated work to prepare a planning scheme amendment to incorporate the PSP and DCP into the Planning Scheme.   

Third Party Funding Agreements are a contract between the VPA and a ‘third party’ (typically the landowner) to formalise funding arrangements. Typically, costs to fund a PSP is undertaken on a per hectare basis (i.e. the larger your landholding the more it will cost). The Agreements provide for staged payments over the course of the PSP process.   

Third party funding is voluntary.   

Normally, third party funding costs are estimated by undertaking the following steps:   

  • Project is scoped to determine complexity and range of issues that will need to be addressed by the PSP (including required technical studies).  
  • The VPA calculates the total estimated cost of the project, with estimates based on previous (most recent) actuals with allowances for variances based on inflation and the relative complexity of the project.    
  • The estimated total cost of project is divided by the area of the precinct to deliver a per hectare funding rate. 
  • The VPA then seeks Expressions of Interest from all landowners within the precinct to enter into Third Party Funding Agreements with requested amounts based on the calculated per landowner funding amount. 
  • Following receipt of Expressions of Interest from landowners the VPA will recalculate each landowner’s draft obligation and provide this back to participating landowners to confirm their continued interest.  

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is partnering with Warrnambool City Council to prepare strategic planning outputs.     

Once a project is completed, the Responsible Authority for implementing it over many years (e.g. approving subdivision applications) will usually be the local council. To assist in facilitating this, the VPA ensures regular engagement with council throughout the whole life of the project. 

How can I get involved?

The best way to stay involved in the plan development process is to register your interest in the project on the project website.  If you would like to learn more, feel free to contact members of the project team.  

Project Status Updates – July 2024

Since our last update in May 2024, we have continued to progress the preparation of the East of Aberline Precinct Structure Plan (PSP), in collaboration with Warrnambool City Council.  

We are continuing to manage the preparation of technical assessments including: 

  • Utility servicing  
  • Bushfire  
  • Biodiversity  
  • Landscape and visual impact  
  • Cultural and post contact heritage  
  • Land capability  
  • Adverse amenity impact 
  • Economic and retail  
  • Arboriculture 
  • Drainage and integrated water management (IWM) 
  • Community infrastructure 
  • Social and affordable housing 

We are also in the process of engaging technical experts to prepare the following assessments:  

  • Traffic and transport  
  • Drainage concepts and functional designs.  

Co-design Workshop

In recent months, our team has been preparing for the co-design workshop to be held on 10 July 2024.  

In the workshop, precinct landowners, agencies and other stakeholders will be asked to consider the early technical findings and precinct constraints to develop a draft place-based plan. The session will be an opportunity for participants to work collaboratively towards planning solutions which consider the wide range of stakeholder objectives and visions for the precinct.  

Next Steps

Following the co-design workshop, we will continue to progress technical assessments which will inform the refinement of a place-based plan for the precinct.  

We will also prepare a co-design summary document to capture the key ideas discussed. Once completed, this summary will be published on the VPA website.

Previous Project Status Updates

Supporting Documentation

East of Aberline PSP - Vision & Purpose Survey - Summary Report - February 2024
East of Aberline PSP - Vision & Purpose Survey - Summary Report - February 2024 PDF  Version
East of Aberline PSP - Pitching Sessions Summary Report - June 2023
East of Aberline PSP - Pitching Sessions Summary Report - June 2023 PDF  Version
East of Aberline PSP - Bushfire Development Report (Terramatrix) December 2018
East of Aberline PSP - Bushfire Development Report (Terramatrix) December 2018 PDF  Version
East of Aberline PSP - Agency Workshop 250218 - Meeting Minutes
East of Aberline PSP - Agency Workshop 250218 - Meeting Minutes PDF  Version
East of Aberline PSP - Agency Workshop 250218 - Attendance List
East of Aberline PSP - Agency Workshop 250218 - Attendance List PDF  Version
East of Aberline PSP - Agency Workshop 250218 - Presentation
East of Aberline PSP - Agency Workshop 250218 - Presentation PDF  Version
East of Aberline PSP - Landowner Workshop 090419 - Minutes
East of Aberline PSP - Landowner Workshop 090419 - Minutes PDF  Version
East of Aberline PSP - Landowner Workshop 090419 - Presentation
East of Aberline PSP - Landowner Workshop 090419 - Presentation PDF  Version