East Werribee Employment Precinct

East Werribee Employment Precinct

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has completed the structure planning for the East Werribee precinct. The broader future of the precinct is a matter for the Victorian Government and is being managed by the new Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)

The East Werribee precinct is part of the wider Werribee National Employment and Innovation Cluster (NEIC).

The 775-hectare East Werribee precinct is the largest undeveloped surplus State Government land in metropolitan Melbourne, and comprises the 400-hectare site known as the East Werribee Major Development Parcel, and the partially constructed full diamond freeway interchange at Sneydes Road, as well as other significant arterial road upgrades.

The East Werribee Employment Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) was completed in October 2013 and will guide the development of a mixed use precinct that will create opportunities for 58,300 local jobs as well as homes, key infrastructure, advanced integrated water cycle management, sports facilities, and local parks.

The Victorian Planning Authority (formerly the Growth Areas Authority) prepared the East Werribee Employment PSP in consultation with the Wyndham City Council, Government agencies and service authorities.

Land covered by the PSP, which is owned by the State Government, has been used for agriculture and research for 100 years. It will be developed into a commercial precinct, a new town centre, health and learning precinct, enterprise precinct and a business precinct, as well as providing new homes to support this employment.
The precinct will have excellent freeway access and provide a wide range of retail and employment options, while the planned Point Cook South West and Wattle Avenue residential communities outlined in the masterplan will include a variety of housing types and facilities.

For further information on the amendment documentation, refer to the East Werribee Employment Precinct.

Amendment VC213: Update to PSP for Melbourne Strategic Assessment requirements

Amendment VC213 came into operation on 14 July 2022 and made changes to the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP) and all planning schemes to ensure consistency with existing requirements under the Melbourne Strategic Assessment (MSA) Program to achieve specific biodiversity outcomes within Melbourne’s growth corridors.

This required updates to requirements and conditions to some existing Precinct Structure Plans (PSP), where the MSA provisions were included in the PSP.

The East Werribee Employment Precinct PSP was updated by Amendment VC213 as is available below:

Amendment VC249

The Development Contributions Plan (DCP) for this precinct was amended as a result of Amendment VC249. 

On 15 January 2024, Amendment VC249 came into effect to further facilitate the development of small second dwellings introduced by Amendment VC253. Amendment VC249 exempts development for a small second dwelling from existing development contributions plans. The changes ensure an applicant does not pay a development contribution when a small second dwelling is developed. 

To view a copy of the final amendment documentation, including the East Werribee Development Contributions Plan, refer to:

Section 46LB of the Planning & Environment Act 1987: VPA requirements

As published on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), the adjusted maximum dwelling amount that will apply to the East Werribee Employment Precinct DCP for the 2020-21 financial year is $1,225 (the limit amount for Community Infrastructure Levy payments as set by the Planning & Environment Act 1987 46(LB)(2)).

Public Access to Spatial Data

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) makes spatial data for gazetted plans available through the use of an online ‘Open Data’ portal. Spatial Data available for this precinct is provided for reference only and holds no official status. Please see our Open Data page for a detailed description of the data and links to download.

Supporting Documentation

VC213 - East Werribee Employment Precinct - Precinct Structure Plan - September 2013 (Amended May 2022) Approval Gazetted Part 1 of 2
VC213 - East Werribee Employment Precinct - Precinct Structure Plan - September 2013 (Amended May 2022) Approval Gazetted Part 1 of 2 PDF  Version
VC213 - East Werribee Employment Precinct - Precinct Structure Plan - September 2013 (Amended May 2022) Approval Gazetted Part 2 of 2
VC213 - East Werribee Employment Precinct - Precinct Structure Plan - September 2013 (Amended May 2022) Approval Gazetted Part 2 of 2 PDF  Version
East Werribee Native Vegetation Precinct Plan
East Werribee Native Vegetation Precinct Plan PDF  Version
East Werribee Employment Precinct Development Contributions Plan - September 2013 (Amended December 2023)
East Werribee Employment Precinct Development Contributions Plan - September 2013 (Amended December 2023) PDF  Version
Targeted Flora and Fauna Surveys for WEP - Ecology Partners for VicUrban - April 2010
Targeted Flora and Fauna Surveys for WEP - Ecology Partners for VicUrban - April 2010 PDF  Version