PSP 2.0

PSP 2.0

The PSP 2.0 process sets aspirational targets including co-design of the Precinct Structure Plan (PSP), streamlining PSP preparation and optimising the PSP product to embrace innovation, delivering government policy.

The 2.0 process aims to:

  • Co-design of a Place-Based Plan
  • Achieve up-front, early resolution of issues
  • Gain better and earlier information on infrastructure demands to inform agency planning and budget bids
  • Update guidance on PSP content reflecting new government policy and promoting innovation
  • Provide stronger guidance in PSPs for staging of development.

For further information, refer to the Key Ideas tab.

Next steps

The VPA is already rolling out the new PSP 2.0 process, piloting the process in 2020 and into 2021 as part of VPA’s outer Melbourne work program, which includes the Craigieburn West, Wallan South, Wallan East and Officer South Employment PSPs.

As part of this pilot program, the VPA is working with key councils, agency, landowner and industry stakeholders with an ‘onboarding’ program, focusing on the cultural changes needed to promote a solutions mindset required to achieve a streamlined PSP process and plan with a vision.

PSP Reform Agenda

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) works closely with councils and local communities, government agencies, landowners and developers to prepare Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) for new communities on Melbourne’s fringe.

Melbourne’s growth corridors were created in 2005 and the area within the Urban Growth Boundary was rezoned as the Urban Growth Zone (UGZ) to facilitate the transition to urban land. The PSP process was introduced in 2006 to better coordinate the various organisations and decisions involved in strategic planning for land zoned UGZ.

The VPA is working with stakeholders on a PSP reform agenda to introduce the next generation of PSPs that will shape the future of Victoria.

The reform agenda has two parts:

  • Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines for greenfield areas review. The Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines are being updated to apply lessons learnt, incorporate whole-of-Victorian government policy updates (including the ‘20-Minute Neighbourhoods’ principle and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals), and to create pathways for innovation in PSPs.
  • PSP 2.0 reforms of the process for preparing PSPs and to the PSP product.

Background information

A timely review of the Precinct Structure Planning (PSP) process has been identified to address calls for the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) to streamline current process and align with emerging planning policy.

The review set aspirational targets including streamlining PSP preparation into a lean 2-year process and optimising the PSP product to embrace innovation, deliver government policy and co-design the next generation of PSPs.

This work is part of an ongoing program of continuous improvement. The VPA is always looking for opportunities to improve the efficiency of our processes and the quality of the plans that we produce for Melbourne’s growth.

PSP 2.0 diagram

A Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) is a land use and infrastructure plan to guide the development of an area over time. It provides certainty for community members and developers by providing a long-term vision for how an area will develop in the future. 

A PSP sets out the preferred locations of residential and employment land and infrastructure, and provides guidance for transport and parking, urban design, heritage and character, open spaces and integrated water management. 

Together with the broader planning framework, precinct structure planning is an important part of the Victorian Government’s strategy to address population growth, housing and employment demands. 

The Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines set out what needs to be achieved for planning for Victoria’s growth and gives clarity on how this can be done.

The Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines apply to the preparation of Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) for new residential communities and new employment areas. The purpose of the Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines is to set out what should be addressed in preparing a PSP. They seek to:

  • Increase consistency and certainty in planning for growth
  • Assist in the timely preparation and completion of PSPs
  • Facilitate the creation of new communities that are better places to live and which respond to the challenges of the future.

The PSP 2.o process forms one component of the Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines.

Yes. While the PSP 2.o process is now being implemented, the review of the Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines is still underway.

To learn more and get involved, refer to the Get Involved tab.

PSP 2.o changes the process by which Precinct Structure Plans (PSP) are traditionally planned. The new approach establishes a vision and purpose for the precinct and seeks to understand what is valued by the community from the start of the process.

The PSP 2.o process comprises the following steps:

  1. Pre-commencement: early identification of opportunities and constraints in the precinct and validation of these with council and agencies
  2. Pitching sessions: agencies and landowners / developers can present their intentions for their parcel/precinct and identify the core issues, opportunities and challenges, and other matters to be resolved through the planning process at one-on-one sessions with the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) and council
  3. Vision & purpose: establishes a unique identity and character for the PSP area, primarily through a Vision and Purpose Co-design workshop with council, agencies and landowners / developers
  4. Place-based co-design: establishes a draft plan for the PSP through a process of collaborative co-design with key stakeholders, implementing the vision and purpose for the precinct
  5. Agency and endorsement: agencies validate the outcomes to date and agree on issues still to be resolved as the plan progresses.

The PSP then progresses through the exhibition, Panel and finalisation process in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act, although with a sharper focus on the key outstanding issues with most matters resolved during the early stages of collaborative co-design.

PSP 2.o means that stakeholders will be engaged in the Precinct Structure Plans (PSP) preparation process earlier, with the opportunity to contribute to the collaborative co-design for the precinct. Councils, agencies and landowners / developers will have the opportunity to contribute to the preparation of the plan via pitching sessions, vision & purpose and place-based co-design workshops. Through this process it is intended that any issues to be addressed by the plan are identified early, to produce a more streamlined PSP preparation process and better outcomes for future communities.

Absolutely. The statutory requirements of the planning scheme amendment process under the Planning and Environment Act remain the same. All parties who want to make a submission on any plan prepared by the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) will be able to so during the formal exhibition process and be heard at Panel. Exhibition information is available on individual project pages and affected stakeholders will be notified of the opportunity to provide comment on individual Precinct Structure Plans (PSP) at the time of exhibition.

PSP Guidelines

The practice of planning for new communities is maturing. Planning authorities need to plan communities that respond to new and emerging global and urban challenges to deliver the level of liveability for which Melbourne is renowned.

Action 20 of Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 is to “Update the Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines to incorporate learnings from previous Precincts Structure Plans (PSPs) in growth areas…”. These Guidelines are a direct response to this action.

The updated guidelines provide a clear purpose, pathway and practical toolbox for delivering a successful PSP.

The Guidelines complement the new PSP 2.o process for developing PSPs as outlined in Part 2.

The PSP 2.o process sets aspirational targets for PSP development including co-design, streamlining preparation and optimising the PSP product to embrace innovation and deliver government policy.

The new Guidelines build off this approach and include detailed PSP 2.o Practitioner Guidelines within the Practitioners Toolbox.

It is intended that the revised Guidelines will be easily applied by all greenfields planning practitioners. However, the VPA acknowledges that some of the performance targets outlined in the Guidelines will need to be adapted for greenfields planning in peri-urban towns and regional Victoria.

As part of the consultation process, the VPA is asking regional stakeholders how the principles and performance targets identified in the Guidelines can be adapted for regional settings. See the Get Involved  tab for more information.

Further work will be required to develop ‘Volume 2’ of the Guidelines to address planning for urban renewal, including renewal in established regional Victorian centres.

Precinct Structure Plans (PSP) shape future communities – considering a range of aspects such as transport, roads, buildings, housing, community facilities, environment and open space. They are one of the core planning tools that implements the Plan Melbourne principle of the ’20-Minute Neighbourhood’ which is all about living locally to ensure accessible, safe and attractive local communities.

PSPs produced with the 2.0 process will focus on:

  • Clearer vision for the future growth of each individual precinct
  • Delivering a lean process with a target two-year timeframe for finalisation
  • Co-design with stakeholders to capture place-based design ideas, embrace innovation and deliver evolving government policy.