Project Status Updates

Project Status Update – November 2024

VPA Business Plan 2024-25

The Minister for Planning has approved the VPA Business Plan 2024-25, outlining our work program and priorities for this financial year.   

Greater Avalon (Employment) is on the VPA work program for 2024-25. This is a strong commitment from government for the VPA to get on with our planning for Greater Avalon (Employment), and to streamline and fast track the delivery of our plans where possible.  

Planning for Greater Avalon (Employment) while protecting VGED habitat

In January 2023, the critically endangered Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon (VGED) was rediscovered in a location west of Melbourne. It was the first time the species had been sighted in more than 50 years, and it was previously considered likely to be extinct. 

Since the rediscovery of VGED, the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) has been working with the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to confirm its habitat distribution and how to undertake surveys for the VGED. 

We now have clear guidance on how to progress planning for Greater Avalon (Employment) while protecting VGED habitat.

Find out more about planning in areas that include potential VGED habitat. 

Update on our planning for Greater Avalon (Employment)

We have been working with the City of Greater Geelong to progress planning for Greater Avalon (Employment). Since our last update in September, we have:   

  • Progressed the transport, drainage, post-contact heritage, aboriginal cultural values, biodiversity, landscape and visual impact, high level servicing assessments, and gas and oil safety management studies.  
  • Begun preparation of the draft planning scheme amendment package. 

In the coming months, we will focus on progressing technical work and the draft amendment package for council and state agency consultation.

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