Project Status Updates

Project Status Updates – July 2023

We have been progressing the planning for Croskell with a focus on drafting the precinct structure plan and finalising the background studies.  

Since our last update in April, we have: 

  • Hosted a workshop with state agencies, landowners, developers and council to discuss the types of zoning and future employment uses envisioned for the Regionally Significant Commercial Area in the northern half of the precinct 
  • Appointed ARUP to conduct an Integrated Water Management Assessment, Movement & Place to conduct an Integrated Transport Assessment and Terramatrix to conduct a Bushfire Risk Assessment 
  • Hosted a workshop with government stakeholders to discuss integrated water management opportunities for the precinct 
  • Finalised the draft open space network for the precinct  
  • Progressed two alignment options for Casey Fields Boulevard as a north-south connector boulevard through the middle of the precinct. 

Throughout July we will be focused on completing the draft precinct structure plan in preparation for sending out the draft documents for Agency Validation at the end of the month. During the Agency Validation phase, the draft plans are sent out to State Government departments and council for feedback to identify any issues and achieve a whole-of-government position on the plan prior to public exhibition.

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