Five PSP approvals complete the 100,000 lots program
Minister Wynne recently approved five of the Victorian Planning Authority’s outer Melbourne precinct structure plans, creating more than 35,000 homes and 18,000 jobs for Victorians.
The Beveridge Central, Minta Farm, Cardinia Creek South (previously McPherson), Sunbury South and Lancefield Road precincts structure plans have been incorporated into the relevant planning schemes across Casey, Mitchell, Whittlesea and Hume.
In addition to homes and jobs, the new communities include a substantial percentage of dedicated open space, local town centres, education facilities and land reserved for vital infrastructure, including new roads and public transport.
This will ensure the new communities are well serviced and well connected. All land is within the Urban Growth Boundary and was reserved for urban development several years ago.
Minister Wynne’s approval of these PSPs delivered the Victorian Government’s February 2017 pledge to unlock land for 100,000 new housing lots by the end of 2018.
The final stage of the planning process for each of these projects will be the approval of associated infrastructure contributions plans (ICPs), which will allow development to commence.
Infrastructure contributions plans ensure developers contribute to local infrastructure such as roads, parks and community facilities.
For more information about each of these projects, please visit the links below: