Minta Farm Precinct Structure Plan

Amendment C282case to the Casey Planning Scheme

The Minister for Planning approved an amended Minta Farm Precinct Structure Plan on 24 June 2021 under Amendment C282case to the Casey Planning Scheme. Following the initial gazettal of the Minta Farm Precinct Structure Plan on 17 January 2019 (approved by Casey Amendment C228case), the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) prepared the final Minta Farm Infrastructure Contributions Plan via Casey Amendment C269case. During the preparation of the final Infrastructure Contributions Plan, infrastructure projects were subject to a detailed consultation and review process, which resulted in minor changes to infrastructure designs.

The amended Minta Farm Precinct Structure Plan approved Amendment C282case ensures that the Precinct Structure Plan and Infrastructure Contributions Plan documents are consistent and that the correct land is set aside for infrastructure projects to be delivered through the Infrastructure Contributions Plan.

To view a copy of the current Minta Farm Precinct Structure Plan and associated amendment documentation, refer to:

About the Precinct Structure Plan

The VPA, in consultation with Casey City Council and government agencies, has prepared this PSP to guide new urban development within the Minta Farm precinct area.

The Minta Farm Precinct has a total land area of approximately 285 hectares of land within the City of Casey and is around 40 kilometres south east of Melbourne’s Central Business District. The site is generally bounded by the Princes Freeway to the north, Cardinia Creek to the east, Grices Road to the south and Soldiers Road to the west.

The Future Urban Structure (FUS) plan illustrates the vision for the development of approximately 3,043 dwellings and a regionally significant employment hub that is envisioned to support around 11,000 local jobs. The new Local Town Centre supporting a mix of commercial, office and knowledge-based and technology businesses, will provide opportunities for diverse range of employment close to home.

Interactive map of Minta Farm Precinct Structure Plan

Public Access to Spatial Data

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) makes spatial data for gazetted plans available through the use of an online ‘Open Data’ portal. Spatial Data available for this precinct is provided for reference only and holds no official status. Please see our Open Data page for a detailed description of the data and links to download.

Supporting Documentation

Minta Farm Precinct Structure Plan - October 2018 (Amended April 2021) (Approval Gazetted)
Minta Farm Precinct Structure Plan - October 2018 (Amended April 2021) (Approval Gazetted) PDF  Version
Minta Farm Infrastructure Contributions Plan - April 2021 (Approval Gazetted)
Minta Farm Infrastructure Contributions Plan - April 2021 (Approval Gazetted) PDF  Version
Expert evidence index

This document outlines the expert evidence documents for the Minta Farm Planning Panel hearing.

Expert evidence index DOCX  Version
Minta Farm PSP - Traffic Engineering Conclave Statement (Cardno) April 2018
Minta Farm PSP - Traffic Engineering Conclave Statement (Cardno) April 2018 PDF  Version