As Melbourne grows there is the opportunity to reimagine some existing areas that are well-serviced by existing infrastructure and services.
Urban renewal involves unlocking under-utilised areas for jobs, investment, and housing. It can often involve rezoning land, improving an area’s amenity and identifying transport and infrastructure needs.
The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) provides
- planning solutions for urban renewal of precincts or strategic sites to implement planning policy, deliver value and create community benefit; and
- strategic planning advice and support for precincts and areas with and for other state government organisations.
We do this in partnership with councils, communities, stakeholders and government organizations in established areas of metropolitan Melbourne.
Our work contributes to city shaping the future, delivery of local jobs and 70% of housing growth in established Melbourne.
Streamlining for Growth
The VPA recently announced its Streamlining for Growth program.
You can read more about Streamlining for Growth program here.
Current Urban Renewal Projects
Current VPA urban renewal projects are listed below and further detail can be found by clicking on the image for each project.