Innovation Pathway Pilot

Expressions of Interest have now closed

Thank you to those who have submitted a proposal. The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is now scoping the methodology for the winning submission.

Delivering Innovation in Precinct Structure Plan

The VPA is undertaking an Innovation Pathway Pilot project to encourage leading practice in precinct planning for new communities. The Innovation Pathway Pilot will establish a process for pitching and governance arrangements between stakeholder parties, which will inform future Innovation Pathway Precinct Structure Plans. This is your opportunity to get in first and help shape the exciting new approach under the VPA’s Innovation Pathway for planning new communities in Victoria. 

The VPA called for expressions of interest from landowners, industry, state or local governments to deliver place-based innovation as part of a future Precinct Structure Plan.

The submissions were asked to address the following criteria;


For background information on the PSP Guidelines, refer to Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines.

What is the Innovation Pathway?

The Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) 2.0 Process is a step-by-step framework for preparing PSPs that embraces innovation and delivers on the latest government policy identified within the Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines: New Communities, October 2021 (the Guidelines). It integrates the 20-minute Neighbourhood hallmarks from Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. It establishes a new base-case process for PSP preparation that is replicable and streamlined for all PSPs in new community precinct planning areas in both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. The process is underpinned by early and transparent collaborative engagement with key stakeholders and the community.

Parklands in Harpley

As part of the new PSP 2.0 Process, a new Innovation Pathway has been established. The purpose of the Innovation Pathway is to encourage leading practice and support the resolution of key challenges often faced by new community precinct planning in design or delivery through innovative demonstrations. The Innovation Pathway can be initiated for PSPs when key partners identify a place-based opportunity to deliver significantly elevated innovation which requires substantial deviation from either the Guideline’s principles and performance targets, the approval process, or both. An indicator for when the Innovation Pathway is suitable, is when a PSP responds to innovation opportunities that exceeds the objectives of the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPPs). 

For more information, refer to Innovation Pathway – Guidelines Fact Sheet – June 2022 (PDF)

Playground in Harpley

Supporting Documentation

Innovation Pathway Pilot - Expressions of Interest - June 2022
Innovation Pathway Pilot - Expressions of Interest - June 2022 PDF  Version
Innovation Pathway Pilot - Attachment 1 - The PSP Features - June 2022
Innovation Pathway Pilot - Attachment 1 - The PSP Features - June 2022 PDF  Version
Innovation Pathway Pilot - Attachment 2 - Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Belonging - June 2022
Innovation Pathway Pilot - Attachment 2 - Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Belonging - June 2022 PDF  Version
Innovation Pathway Pilot Presentation - PowerPoint Slides - VPA - June 2022
Innovation Pathway Pilot Presentation - PowerPoint Slides - VPA - June 2022 PDF  Version