Wallan East PSP (Part 1)

Wallan East Precinct Structure Plan (Part 1)

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is preparing a precinct structure plan and Amendment to the Mitchell Planning Scheme for the area known as Wallan East (Part 1).  

The project is being prepared in consultation with Mitchell Shire Council, government agencies and service authorities.  

Background studies are underway and VPA is seeking input from landowners and state agencies. The VPA will then start to prepare the draft precinct structure plan (PSP) and amendment to the Mitchell Shire Planning Scheme.  This phase will be followed by a phase of final public consultation. 

Depending on the submissions received during community consultation, the Minister for Planning will determine if the project utilises the VPA Projects Standing Advisory Committee to consider unresolved matters and provide advice to the Minister and the VPA prior to finalising an amendment for the Minister’s consideration.  

The Wallan East Precinct Structure Plan covers a total of 140 hectares and is near several other ongoing and future precinct structure plans in Mitchell Shire Council. 

Wallan East precinct looking towards Wallan Train Station

Wallan East precinct looking towards Wallan Train Station

Interactive map of Wallan East (Part 1) PSP

Background information

The plan considers the:

  • existing natural features of the site
  • surrounding uses
  • infrastructure needs of the community.

Several technical investigations have been undertaken to prepare the draft plan, which can be found in the Supporting Documentation section of this webpage. These include:

  • retail and employment
  • transport
  • Aboriginal and historical heritage
  • environment and biodiversity.

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is preparing the plan in partnership with:

  • Mitchell Shire Council
  • government agencies
  • service authorities
  • key stakeholders.

An Infrastructure Contributions Plan (ICP) is a simplified system for funding basic and essential local infrastructure required for a new community. 

An ICP ensures that developers within a new precinct contribute to the cost of providing new intersections, local open space and community facilities. 

An ICP may be made of one or two parts: a standard levy and/or a supplementary levy. The standard levy is a pre-set rate that may be used to fund transport, community and recreation infrastructure and public land provision. In particular circumstances, a supplementary levy may also apply to fund additional infrastructure needs. 

For further information, refer to Infrastructure Contributions Plans.

How can I get involved?

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) will seek community input into the structure plan for the precinct in early 2021.

If you would like to be kept informed about the process, please register your details in the Subscribe now section on the right of this page.

About the precinct

The Wallan East (Part 1) precinct is bounded by Wallan-Whittlesea Road to the south, the rail line to the west, Kelby Lane to the north and Epping-Kilmore Road to the east.

Wallan East (Part 1) precinct will be a contemporary 20-minute neighbourhood, with a focus on a reimagined station precinct. The precinct will offer the community a variety of innovative and sustainable living choices close to all daily needs and within easy access to Wallan Station. The precinct will be the norther gateway of Melbourne and will celebrate the unique cultural, biodiversity and recreational values of Merri Creek and the rural surrounds.

Based on early engagement with agencies and landowners, the most important themes for shaping the precinct are:

1. Connecting to the existing and emerging precincts

2. Responding to the natural and physical context

3. Managing water in an integrated and sustainable way

4. Leveraging Wallan Station for progressive urban form

5. Contributing to the local economy

6. Encouraging sustainable and responsive development communities.

Supporting Documentation

Wallan East (Part 1) PSP - Vision and Purpose - Co-Design Workshop Summary - September 2020
Wallan East (Part 1) PSP - Vision and Purpose - Co-Design Workshop Summary - September 2020 PDF  Version
Wallan East (Part 1) PSP - Place-based Plan Co-design Workshop Summary - December 2020
Wallan East (Part 1) PSP - Place-based Plan Co-design Workshop Summary - December 2020 PDF  Version
Wallan East (Part 1) PSP - Native Vegetation Precinct Plan - Draft for Comment (WSP) May 2021
Wallan East (Part 1) PSP - Native Vegetation Precinct Plan - Draft for Comment (WSP) May 2021 PDF  Version
Wallan East (Part 1) PSP - Flora and Fauna Assessment (WSP) February 2022
Wallan East (Part 1) PSP - Flora and Fauna Assessment (WSP) February 2022 PDF  Version